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"AND.... BEGIN!!" Upon Galelith's command from the sideline, the skirmish match begins.  

"Fi-Ara!" Raice, one of the four associates Naeth has been bringing along to the training sessions, starts things off with a tier 2 fireball aimed at the weakest link on the opposing team - Galivinth.

The male in question is startled, but manages to instinctively throw himself out of the way and onto the ground. In doing so, he leaves one of his team's makeshift 'towers' vulnerable to the attack. Well, Galivinth may have - but Naeth?

"FI-HARA!!!" He swiftly dashes over and fluently shifts into delivering a flaming roundhouse kick to that incoming ball of heat, sending it flying right back to the other side and at one of Raice's teammates twice as fast. Rayson, the new target of the burning projectile, only has enough time to raise his arms in an X-formation to defend himself before taking an explosive-like impact that sends him flying and landing roughly on his back with a grunt.

The astounding athlete was already on top of his game, even if it was just a mock match.

"Don't let yourself get swept up in the heat of the moment, cousin. Keep moving and think fast." Naeth reminds Galivinth.

"Yeah, I kn-OOAH!?" Galivinth tries to respond, but there's barely seconds to spare in an active match. The other team is going on the attack again. The third member of the opposing side, Daevan, casts a tier-2 Earth spell – a pillar-like structure of stone extending from the ground at angle. Continuously stretching outward with the intent of striking Naeth's chest with a thrust, yet the latter is more than prepared for it. Naeth sways aside with a hop and avoids the blow that stops just above his cousin's head, then dishes out a counterattack.

"Ligh-To!" Along with shouting out that incantation, Naeth throws a swift right boxing jab that sends out a tier 1 purple lightning bolt at Daevan. Too quick for the target to react, the bolt strikes its mark and sends the male staggering and briefly tumbling on the ground.

"Sharp as always, eh Naeth? Fi-Hara." Qoreman, the third member of Galivinth & Naeth's team muses and follows up on the attack with the same fire spell used earlier, only instead of discharging it with a kick, he sends out a tier 2 wave of fire by using his right hand to swipe widely in front of himself. But--

"Aqurmia!" Rayson steps up with an overwhelming counter attack; extending his hands outward and releasing a powerful tier 3 burst of water that's both great in size and pressure. It's more than enough to outright neutralize the incoming flame, as well as send Qore soaring over 10 yards away upon reaching him.

Seeing this, Galivinth adopts a kneeling position and places his right hand flat against the grassy ground.

"I-Cé!" He shouts and promptly begins freezing over the ground before him in a linear path using a tier 2 ice spell, one that extends with the intent of freezing Raice and Rayson's feet in place. 

The two effortlessly avoid contact by backing off horizontally as it passes by vertically. However, Naeth is swift to apply more pressure. He merely recites the tier 2 fireball incantation within his own mind and casts the spell with a spinning thrusting side-kick, discharging the projectile from the sole of his sneaker and right for Raice.

"Don't let them exploit anything, let alone a supposed opening!" Naeth instructs firmly. Meanwhile, Raice acts upon the only option she has and leaps out of harm's way and into a roll. By then, Naeth is throwing out a leaning right jab as he casts the tier 2 fire-wave spell again. Save this time, he sends it out at Rayson like a flamethrower instead of a ball. The latter has little choice but to turn away and brace under the scorching presence of the flames.

Gray Heroics: Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن