Chapter 9: The Noxus

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Warnings: Blood, Injury, other dark themes

Note: If you find any spelling/ grammar errors, let me know so I can fix them!

The ninja have regained their powers after the events of crystallized in this book.


- Lloyd centric story


3rd POV


The sky is a deep maroon color, reflecting its deep color onto the snow.
No one is anywhere to be seen. Footprints in the snow have been covered by the strong winds.
Skyscrapers that were once strong, and sturdy, are now barely standing.
The apocalyptic vibe resonates through the air, making any traveler weary.

Ninjago's protectors are nowhere to be seen.
But in a small noodle shop, sits 15 hungry people.

A woman with red hair has been serving every last noodle to the hungry people and children.
This woman owns the shop. She inherited it from her deceased father.
Business runs in her blood.

A cold wind wafts it's way through the window sill, creating a cold draft in the noodle shop.
Skylor, the elemental master of Amber, who can absorb other elemental powers for a short amount of time, fires up the stove, to try and create warmth.

She goes over to the window, and tapes the outsides, trying to prevent any cold wind from coming in.

Skylor feeds everyone with the last of the food.
This is going to get messy real fast. She thought.

She sits down at a table, and puts her head down. She hasn't eaten in days, saving the food for everyone else.
A little girl walks up to Skylor, with a frightened look on her face.
"I was exploring the shop and I found a door. I went outside and saw someone laying in the snow. I think he needs help.!"

"Okay honey. Go to your parents and don't go back outside. I'll take care of it."
Skylor walked over to the back door of the restaurant and opened it.

A person in completely red clothes is sprawled out across the cold ground.
Skylor approaches the person, and rolls them over.

"Kai? Can you hear me?"
No response.
He must be injured. I should take him inside. She thought.

Skylor picks him up, and brings him inside the noodle shop.
She sets him down on a small couch she has in her workers lounge.

She overlooks him. Other than a few cuts and bruises, nothing seems to be majorly wrong.
Skylor read all the social media posts from the Ninjago Times, and saw what happened to the Monastery. How did he get here?


Skylor finishes bandaging Kai's injuries, and sits back.
I wish I could have an explanation for all of this. She thought.

Kai suddenly shifts, groaning out in pain as he tries to sit up.
"Kai, stay down." Skylor says.

"Wha- What happened?... Skylor? Where are we?" He says tiredly.

"I don't know what happened, Kai. Care to tell me why I found you on the ground outside of my noodle shop?"

"The Monastery blew up... I couldn't find any of the others. I ran downtown to see if there was anything but I ran into some weird spaceship thing in the middle of the city. There was this weird creature, it had a carving in it.. Noxus... I think that's what it's called." Kai said,
"It started chasing me, it was huge, it ran on all fours. I ran across the rooftops, and I thought about you, so I ran here. When I looked back to see if it was still following me, I tripped and fell off the roof... now here I am."

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