chapter 6

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[the sewers]

 In this fic, Mystaké did die like in Sons of Garmadon. I forgot to mention this in the chapter that introduces Lyzzie and her story.
The ninja just don't know Mystaké had a daughter.


"Ewwww, tell me why we had to use the sewer again?" Jay complained with a scrunched up nose. "We've been walking down here for days!.."

   "Through the sewers, we'll make better ground. We need to get as far away from the city as we can, and the snow will only slow us down." Lyzzie said.

"Yeah I guess it would be a longer walk above ground.. you know? The snow and all."

 She rolled her eyes. "Uh huh, isn't that what I just said?"

"Just trying to keep things interesting!" Jay exclaimed.

"Shouldn't you be the smarter one here? You know, being a ninja and all."

He crossed his arms. "Eh, I get that a lot. I'm more of the fun ninja, and I'm totally smart. You should feel safe."


After a couple hours of walking in silence, Lyzzie finally speaks up.
"Hey Jay?"


"What was it like to be a ninja at such a young age? Do you feel like you were forced to be one?"

    Jay thinks for a minute before starting. "I don't feel like I was forced, really," Jay gave a soft smile, "I kind of chose to go be a ninja. Wu found me one day when I was doing something very idiotic. Even though I'm not that smart, he still took me in. Everyone has potential to do something great. As for my adoptive parents who own a junk yard, they supported everything I did."

Jay laid a hand on Lyzzie's shoulder. "I'm proud of who I've become, and if you're asking me this just randomly or for a reason, I don't know. I'm not good at advice but, just try to see vantages of different people. Try to see where they're coming from."

"Thanks Jay. That advice made no sense, but thanks for trying sparky." Lyzzie huffed.

   "Of course! That's what I do!" Jay said.
"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here! Even with all this end of the world stuff going on."

Lyzzie softly laughed.

"Hey, Lyzzie?"


"I like your hair. You know the cool colors and braids n' stuff."

"Thanks," Lyzzie said as she looked at his dirty, floofy, tangled mess on his head, "I like yours too."

"Soooooooo.... What's your story Lyzzie? Teenage girl from the suburbs comes to big city, only to get caught in something magical which makes her stay out of her own pure curiosity?"

    "Ha! You're not far off, Jay. I wouldn't consider myself a teenager though. I just turned twenty a few months ago. It was one of my first birthdays without my mom, since I ran- .... I mean moved out to college in the city."

  "Oh... Now here we are in the sewers! Ever imagine living in a place like the sewers? Cold, stinky, echoey, and kinda lonely?"

"I don't have to imagine.."
The First Realm, home to Oni and Dragons, except the Oni part isn't so majestic as the dragon part.

blackout ➺ ninjago ➺Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon