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Sensitive scene, mention of blood, mention of physical abuse.


Like Yoohyeon had figured out, her dad allowed her to enter the opposite party.

Yoohyeon became the member of the democratic party, she immediately took a resignation from Mr.Lee's job.

Hanni was upset with Yoohyeon being a member of an opposite party, she was also upset how Yoohyeon took resignation.

After Yoohyeon's resignation, Yoohyeon's family and Hanni were in despair. They felt as if their control over Yoohyeon had been decreased, it made Hanni tensed. She tried convincing Yoohyeon to leave the party and join Mr.Kim's party but the contract Yoohyeon signed was a strict contract and she too didn't wanted to leave the party.

Yoohyeon's and Bora's relationship became like an assistant and a boss. Yoohyeon didn't talk to Bora or tried to approach her, after their last meeting in the car.

Bora approached Yoohyeon, they built their friendship again without any physical intimacy, they used to engage in healthy flirting but that was limited till there.

They both weren't interested in taking things further, Bora only wanted friendship and Yoohyeon too.

Bora was there to guide her and give her suggestions.


After almost a month, Yoohyeon got a notice that she was now on the leader's position.

She had told Bora to not convince Jeshik but Bora still did it, she thought everyone should get a chance and Jeshik was ruling for a long time, so it was fair enough.

Once Yoohyeon was the leader, the news spreaded like a wild fire, her father started having problems, since he didn't had any idea about it, he didn't expected Yoohyeon to be a leader.

Being a leader obviously meant Yoohyeon was going to stand in the elections against her father's party.

This caused her parents to not talk to her.

Yoohyeon was only living in the mansion for eating and sleeping, her parents had completely stopped talking with her.

She wasn't used to it but it was better she thought.

Hanni on the other hand started initiating arguments, she would try to convince Yoohyeon to not stand against her own father and she should leave party to join back as Mr.Lee's financial advisor.

Things had taken a 180 turn since Yoohyeon joined the party and when she became a leader.

She got her own car, her own bodyguards, her own people to handle the work.

Whenever she used step out of the mansion there used to be media present near the gate, she had to set a date and time for them because it was getting too much and being an introverted person it made her uncomfortable.

After their last argument, Yoohyeon and Minji completely stopped talking. Yoohyeon did wanted to talk to Minji but she decided she wouldn't unless Minji calls her.

Knowing Minji, she knew, she wouldn't call her and that's exactly what happened.

So Yoohyeon initiated the call, they apologised to each other, Yoohyeon fed Minji on what had happened during their non talking stage.

Minji was happy for her, Minji wanted to ask if now things were going to be better or if she was finally going to get a status but she didn't because she didn't wanted to upset Yoohyeon again. If she does think about it, Yoohyeon's life was much more harder than her, the wealth she had was of no use. So Minji decided she will go with the flow.

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