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[Hanni's POV]

I sat on the bed and clutched over the sheet tightly.

Five years, i have been trying for five years.

She doesn't put any efforts, any concern into this marriage. I am the only one who gives my best in this relationship. After our university, i thought something would change in her since my body has changed alot, i look good, i look sexy, i have everything that a person wants in their partner, i don't know why she doesn't love me back, it hurts me alot.

I have been waking up beside her not receiving a single good morning from her, she never initiates a hug or any physical contact. I know she doesn't love me but i don't want to lose her. I want her to love me.

Whenever she mentions that she doesn't love me or like me i give her a smile how else should I react to it.

I end the conversation, switching off the light. I don't want to have these kind of conversations, where she tells me how much she doesn't like me, i want her to tell me that she loves me, she cares for me ; which she does, she cares for me alot but as a friend and I hate it.

She doesn't reciprocate anything, i feel so hurt when we're in front of the press, she acts like she's so in love with me but once we're inside the elevator or any other room where there won't be other people, she distances herself from me.

I have always hated being left alone, i thought i would have been able to make her fall in love with me but it just doesn't seem possible and it's killing me, this is the only reason why i get possesive towards her.

The fear of her going to someone else and loving them, she will love them, will give them everything that i want : this thought keeps me awake. I cannot sleep most of the nights because of this single thought.

Her giving love to someone else will be the end of me. I don't want that to happen at any cost. I only want her to myself.

I wiped the tears rolling down on my face.

I hear the door opening, she walked in with a plate in her hand.

Approaching me, she sat beside me, "Eat." She spoke placing the plate on my lap.

"I'm not hungry..." I whispered, giving the plate back to her. She noticed my face and the wetness caused due to the tears.

"Do you want tissues?" She asked.

I shook my head as a no.

"Okay, eat after sometime." She spoke and got up from the side, she walked towards the door to close it.


[Yoohyeon's POV]

I walked towards the door to see my dad standing near my door's entrance.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Is Hanni okay?" He asked.

"She is, don't listen to our conversation like this and stop interfering between us." I spoke, closing the door.

I started walking towards the bed and saw Hanni eating the food.

If she had not eaten it, i would have felt so bad.

I've never seen her crying before, I've only heard her crying inside the bathroom and when she thought i was sleeping.

It was the first time i witnessed it and it's saddening.

I can't deny the fact that she was my best friend, she was close to me, her simple decision to marry me has ruined everything we had, the good memories i had with her have faded away a long time ago.

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