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[Minji's POV]

Hanni told me to leave at seven pm, it was a perfect time because Yoohyeon left her work at the same time too.

We both met at the previous restaurant. She told me everything about the confession that she gave it to the press, about her being a rapist.

She was great at acting, i almost believed it was true with the way she was crying for being guilty.

"You prefer go to jail to get rid of Hanni?" I asked, keeping my hands over her rested hands on the table.

"Yes, i don't think i will stay in jail forever. Nayeon will get me out like this..." She snapped her fingers with a smile.

Nayeon. Her close friend. She did talk about her alot. Her two friends Sunghwa and Lisa were also a part of it.

"What if they sentence you for fifteen years for what you claimed... Imagine Hanni's dad pressing charges against you..."

"Fifteen years? That is okay. I can stay in jail."

"We won't be able to sneak out then..." I replied to her. To which she nodded, "If you get in the frame with me, of course, it's going to be hard."

A waiter approached us with our orders. Yoohyeon ordered a ramen for me, with other side dishes.

"How hard it is to stay with Hanni?" I asked.

"I can't describe it. It suffocates me. I don't love her. I never did." She replied and started eating her food.

I was very much curious to know their physical relationship, i do know Yoohyeon is an intersex.

Everyone knows. I knew it before she appeared on the press with the confession, i searched for her on the websites, other medias. She has not hidden it, which is pretty impressive, it means she is not afraid to be who she is.

I don't know if i should ask her or not. I think they must have slept, five years is a long time... No way they haven't slept.

"May i ask you something..." I kept the bowl of ramen over the table and leaned forward. I was very nervous.

"Ask me anything." She spoke.

"Uh... Have you Hanni?" She gave me a confused look.


"You know... If you and Hanni...-"

"Did we have sex? That's what you're asking?" She spoke.

"Yes..." I replied,  She smiled at me, i was so embarrassed.


Wait, is she serious?

"Not even once?" I asked again, to make sure

"Nope." She spoke.

"Have you ever had sex with any other girl? if you visit pubs or clubs?" I spoke clasping my hands over the table. If she is not sexually active with Hanni, she must have someone on the side, to have sex with. I'm not really judging her here, if she does have anyone just for sex, that is understandable.

"I've never visited pubs or clubs. It's not allowed. My parents would kill me and no, i haven't had sex with anyone till now. I'm a virgin."


After Yoohyeon said she was a virgin, Minji could only gave an understanding nod at her, still not believing Yoohyeon but she decided she will respect what Yoohyeon said.

"I'm not a virgin..." Minji spoke, waiting for Yoohyeon's response.

"I know." Yoohyeon shrugged.

Minji started sipping on her cold coffee before placing another question for Yoohyeon.

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