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[Hanni's POV]

My eyes opened slowly when i felt weight over my body and sloppy kisses over my jaw, i gasped in panick and turned around to look at Yoohyeon.

"You scared me!" I exclaimed, laying my head back down on the pillow. The smell of alcohol was reeking off of her.

"Kiss me." She spoke.

Since she was drunk, i didn't pay much mind to it.

Whatever will happen between us, should happen when she is sober. She might blame me, if we did something when she was drunk.

When i didn't respond, she gripped over my upper arm and turned me around, "Let's kiss..." She spoke. She leaned towards me and placed her lips over mine, my feelings were going crazy here. I cannot explain what i was feeling knowing she would rarely kiss me like this when she is sober.

I did kiss her for few minutes, then i pushed her away gently. "You wanted to have sex. Why are you pushing me away?"

"Because you're drunk." I replied, she ignored what i said and placed her hands over my knees, spreading them apart, she leaned closer, her crotch grazing against me. "Yoohyeon, get away." I spoke, i tried to get up, but she pinned my hands over my head and started grinding against me, she tried to kiss me but it was too much, i hate drunk people.

"Stop it Yoohyeon!" I raised my voice and somehow got rid of her tight grip, i pushed her with a force, "What are you doing!?" She exclaimed, stopping her movements.

"I don't want to have sex. You're drunk, you smell." I spoke. "It doesn't matter..." She replied, kissing me, she used her tongue to enter inside my mouth, i could feel her other hand trying to take off my shorts, now this is not what i expected from her. I clearly denied her many times.

I gripped over her wrist, stopping her from removing my shorts, it made me angry, so i pushed her away, pretty harshly.

"I said no." I spoke locking my gaze with her, i sat up.

She tried grabbing my wrist to pull me closer but i swatted her hand away. "No." I repeated.

"Fine." She spoke rolling her eyes and layed over her stomach, beside me.

Since i wasn't sure about her. I decided to sleep in another room. She is definitely stronger than me.


Yoohyeon woke up and was going to shower when she realised Hanni wasn't on her bed.

After Yoohyeon returned from the shower, the door of her room opened and Hanni walked inside.

"Where were you?" Asked Yoohyeon, searching for her clothes in the closet.

"Sit down. I need to talk." Hanni spoke, walking towards the bed, she sat over it.

Yoohyeon removed her shirt from the closet, she walked towards the bed and Yoohyeon sat over the bed's edge.

"Yesterday you came home drunk..." The black haired girl started, "Are you going to lecture me?" Yoohyeon spoke.

"Listen to me." Hanni spoke. Yoohyeon gave her a nod, Hanni continued.

"You came home and you tried to force me."

"What?" Yoohyeon whispered clasping her hands on her lap.

"You tried to force me to have sex with you. I kept denying-"

"I did?" Yoohyeon pointed at herself.

"Yes, you did."

"How can I believe you? Is there any proof? You can just lie to me-" Yoohyeon's sentence was cut off when Hanni took her hands in her hold. She locked her gaze with Yoohyeon.

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