HV: "Kim, you know that you will have to get her to talk about what happened. She wouldn't say anything at the hospital"

K: "I know Sarge. Just how am I supposed to go about doing that? She is traumatized. Jay is not with her. That the only thing she ask about.

HV: "Okay, I'll try to call Jay again and call his boss."

K: "All right, let me know the latest."

HV: "Let me know if you need anything, Trudy will be coming by later this afternoon."

K: "Okay, thank you. Bye Sarge"

-clicks-  The call ended, Kim looks at the clock, 6:47am. She walks to the bathroom, trying not to wake Hailey. Her mind was racing with worries about Hailey. She couldn't stop thinking about her, about the trauma she had endured. She looks back to Ray, the shootings, and her recovery. She did it, but still couldn't believe that she did it. Makayla was her motivation to keep going, and Adam has helped her go through her trauma tremendously. But, now her friend is going through this, she is left with only Kim and the unit to support her. Why do people do such things as kidnap and shoot people? She hopes Hailey will be ready to share or at least discuss what happened to her. 

Kim walks into the kitchen while still wearing her pjs. She begun preparing scrambled eggs with feta cheese for Hailey. After she was done, she decided to peek into Hailey's bedroom. There she is, Hailey is sleeping on her back with her arm still wrapped around Jay's pillow. Half of her blanket and pillows were laying on the floor, she must have been tossing and turning in her sleep. She left her bedroom and sat on the couch, turning on the tv on the lowest volume possible.

30 minutes later

 Cries were heard in Hailey's room.

Hailey lays in her bed staring at the wall, crying. Kim rushed in, "Hailey!? Is there something wrong?"

She went around the bed and laid next to Hailey, facing toward her.

Kim gently tapped Hailey's shoulder, "Hailey, what wrong?"

"Hails, please talk to me"

H:"It hurts, everything hurts!"

K:"Do you want me to call Natalie?"

Hailey stared off into space for a moment, still sobbing.


Hailey mumbles, "I miss him" 

K: "I know, I am sorry Hailey--"

Hailey interrupted: "What time is it?"

Kim looked at her phone: "It is 7:54am"

Hailey: "I want to take a shower"

Hailey struggled as she attempted to get out of bed. Kim went around the bed and helped Hailey walk to the bathroom.

K: "Can I help you?"

Hailey slowly nodded, blinking back tears and her lips quivering. Kim slowly begun helping removing clothes off Hailey, leaving her in her bra and underwear. She turns on the shower and made sure it was warm.

Hailey's POV

 I looked into the mirror, taking in the sight of my battered face. I had stitches on my forehead, and the bruise around my eye had faded, but the cuts and abrasions on my arms and wrists were still visible.

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