"Don't call me Adela. And you sent me a meme, what was I supposed to reply?"

"You were supposed to laugh," Max groaned, dramatically dragging his hands over his face. "Have I taught you nothing?"

"You're supposed to teach me how to dance, not how to reply to memes."

"It's a general education."

Addie stared at Max.

He stared back.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

Max snapped his fingers, pointing at Addie. "Now, was that so hard?"

Addie rolled her eyes. "Sorry you're so dramatic."

It wasn't long until they found themselves knee-deep in the disaster that was rehearsals. They were supposed to sing 'I Want', because despite protests from the boys' management, it was a personal favorite of Addie's, and she needed to sing it with them.

They'd manage to settle the debate by singing two songs. She'd join them for 'I Want', and then they'd sing her new song, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.

But it did mean a much more elaborate choreography than the boys were used to. There were several complaints, a lot of them from Zayn.

After a lot of whining, a bunch of stumbling around, Harry falling at least ten times, and Addie getting elbowed a lot, they managed to get half of the song done with a mostly coordinated choreography.

"Ouch!" Addie exclaimed, holding her chest where Louis had just elbowed her, "Lou, you hit me in the boobs!"

"What boobs?" Louis teased.

Addie didn't think it was funny and proceeded to bite his shoulder.

(Louis screamed.)

(Addie rolled her eyes.)

(She hadn't bitten him that hard. There wasn't even a bite mark)

After Max forcing Addie to promise she wouldn't bite anyone again, they got back to work for another half hour before Max got exasperated with the boys and sent them away for a break.

Addie ended up rehearsing her part alone, while the others watched so they could understand how it worked. To her surprise, she only tripped once.

Louis made fun of her. A lot.

By the time their lunch break came along, Addie was ready to throw herself on the floor and never move again. Which is exactly what she did.

Niall followed suit, lying down spread eagle on the floor next to Addie. "'M tired."

"Same," Addie mumbled, words muffled as her cheek pressed against the cold floor. A bead of sweat rolled down her spine, making her shiver. "Kill me. Put me out of my misery. Please."

Niall laughed, rolling over onto his side to face Addie. "I really want to sleep."


"Do you say anything other than 'same'?" Niall asked, mocking her american accent on the last word.


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