Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 Dream

    Xia heard the topic of entering the police station as if there was a pair of invisible pushers behind him.

    All of Xia Ting's black fans popped up overnight.

    Although Xia Ting has changed the netizens' impression of her now, there are not a few black fans, and more of them are brainless netizens and keyboard warriors who follow the trend of blacks.

    Fang Li swiped his phone and frowned, "I guess this is another trick for us." The

    comments are all about trolls who take the topic in a bad direction. This kind of trick can be seen at a glance in the entertainment industry. Something went wrong.

    Xia Ting sneered, "Send a lawyer's letter, and the marketing account will be sued to the end. I want to see how long this so-called driving force can hide." "It's time to teach these ignorant

    marketing accounts a lesson."

    Fang Li agreed with Xia Ting's approach very much, immediately contacted the lawyer, and handed over the matter to the lawyer, and said that none of these rumormongers would be let go.

    But before Xia Ting's lawyer could make a move, the trend of netizens on Weibo suddenly changed, and more explosive topics were raised.

    One is that a leader of Beijing City who has just been certified by Weibo posted a personal Weibo update, in which @海市's police official blog expressed his gratitude to the Haishi police for helping to find his daughter who had been lost for many years, and also @了 at the end Xia Ting's Weibo.

    The second is the official blog of one of the four major families in Haishi. The official blog also posted a Weibo thanking the Haishi police for helping to find his niece.

    And Jiang Jingchi also reposted this Weibo of □□, and the Weibo account of @出夏听 on the copy introduced to everyone that this is his sister, and said that anyone who slanders and spreads rumors about Xia Ting will have trouble with □□.

    It was full of words of support for Xia Ting.

    The more and more mysterious topics that were originally circulated came to an abrupt end because of the appearance of these two Weibo posts.

    Netizens were momentarily stunned by the whole person who turned around.

    Xia Ting actually has such a strong background! ?

    This is what netizens did not imagine.

    [Absolutely this reversal, what kind of bloody plot is this, my mother! ! ! ]

    [The last time I was so shocked was the last time! ! Xia Ting Shuangwen is the hostess! ! ! ]

    [Marketing account didn't even think of it! ? Originally thought it was a topic that could increase fans, but it turned out to be a hit! Or barbed iron! ]

    [As a fan of Sister Ting, I'm so excited! I hope that all those who spread rumors will be punished! 】

    Aside from the netizens, the most ignorant of them is the marketing account that analyzes Xia Ting's entering the police station as a crime.

    They never thought that the reversal of this matter would be so mysterious.

    When they saw the Weibo of a certain Beijing leader, the marketing accounts were all shocked, knowing that this time there was trouble, and quickly deleted all the bad Weibo about Xia Ting from their account .

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