Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    Lu Qingyao suddenly mentioned Xia Ting, which simply reminded Xia Ting's black fans: Xia Ting was the one who said that Song Heyan's idea was a bad idea, and now Xia Ting should find a way to drive away the mosquitoes for everyone!

    【Lu Qingyao is right. Didn't Xia Ting laugh at Song Yingdi for his bad idea? Why didn't she come up with such a bad idea? ]

    [Is there anyone who thinks that Xia Tinglu can do everything if he shows his hands? But don't forget that Xia Ting is lying flat now and even gave up the wild fruit collection competition, laughing to death, mourning for two minutes of silence for the netizens who voted for Xia Ting, the mobile phone is gone for you! 】

    Speaking of voting, the day is almost over, Song Heyan has the highest number of votes, while Xia Ting has the lowest number of votes, and now there are not even 20 votes.

    Those who voted for Xia Ting were Xia Ting's only true fans.

    Believe in Xia Ting, several netizens who voted for Xia Ting said: [Don’t come to vote for Xia Ting, if Xia Ting wins the few of us who voted, you don’t have to try your luck, just win the prize! 】

    【Hahaha don't come here, if Xia Ting wins, no one will grab the phone from us! ]

    However, in the eyes of Xia Ting's black fans, these words are nothing but idiotic dreams. Will Xia Ting win? Xia Ting didn't even have an attitude, and if he didn't struggle, he just lay down and gave up.

    Why did the netizens get arguing? Xia Ting couldn't see it, but was suddenly named by Lu Qingyao, Xia Ting turned his head, with a slightly helpless expression, and said: "There is indeed a way, but what should I do, mosquitoes don't bite me, I really can't think of it for a while. "

    Xia didn't mean anything else when she heard this, she just didn't like Lu Qingyao's enthusiasm for speaking.

    [What's going on with Xia Ting, it's too much, I've been having trouble with sister Yao. ]

    [Xia Ting felt that the smoke was choking, but Yu Jingjing and Zhu Yunxiao themselves felt choking too, right? Even Song Yingdi himself was choked by the smoke and coughed uncontrollably. Who can stand staying in the smoke for a long time? 】

    Lu Qingyao's eyes darkened.

    Everything about Xia Ting has changed, except for the fact that she can't get along with her, it hasn't changed from the beginning to the end!

    Lu Qingyao bit her lip and made a sacrifice: "In order for everyone not to be bitten by mosquitoes, I am willing to help you collect firewood for three days. Can this change your method of repelling mosquitoes?" She really needs to repel mosquitoes

    . Mosquito, if she is bitten by a mosquito again, she will definitely not be able to resist scratching her skin. Once she scratches her skin, she might leave an unsightly bump in the future.

    For everyone not to be bitten by mosquitoes?

    Xia Ting looked at the other people, and it was obvious that Lu Qingyao was bitten badly, and everyone was bitten by one or two bites, nothing serious.

    "Three days?" Xia Ting raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Five days."

    She doesn't lack firewood, but if someone wants to help her pick it up, she doesn't need too much.

    "Xia Ting, don't go too far!" Zhu Yunxiao on the side glared at Xia Ting angrily, as if Xia Ting was a heinous person.

    Zhu Yunxiao pulled Lu Qingyao over, "Miss Qingyao, don't talk to her, at worst we burn the wormwood again." It's okay to

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