Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    While others were still looking for wild fruits on the mountain, Xia Ting had already started preparing lunch.

    She let the two hares meet for the last time, and then pulled out the male rabbit and roasted, the whole movement was swift and not sloppy.

    The audience in the live broadcast room were already familiar with Xia Ting's way of handling prey. When the rabbit was roasted on the fire until it squeaked and its skin was browned, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

    【Oh my god, listening to Xia's cooking skills, my mouth is watering across the screen! ]

    [Seeing this picture, I want to order a roasted rabbit. ]

    [Suddenly I feel a little sympathetic to the director team and the guests of the show. It must be very painful to smell all kinds of delicacies made by Xia Ting every day. Cover your mouth and cry jpg]

    If you want to ask the director team whether it is suffering, it must be suffering.

    Although they brought plenty of food, they didn’t have fresh meat like Xia Ting, and they didn’t have the time to catch pigeons and quails released in the forest. Roasted hares and kiln pigeons would make their mouth water when they smelled them. Non-stop.

    Especially the director, who pulled down his old face and beat around the bush with Xia Ting to ask for some wild game, but Xia Ting just didn't like it, so he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

    A person who pretends to be asleep cannot be woken up. This sentence flashed in the director's mind, and he could only secretly swallow while watching the roasted rabbit meat smell the aroma.

    Otherwise, what else would he do? How could he do such a thing as stealing food from the guests on the show?

    Xia Tingquan ignored the director's resentful eyes and continued to roast the roasted hare in his hand.

    Other people who went up the mountain to look for wild fruits also came back one after another.

    Zhu Yunxiao came back first, he found three kinds of wild fruits, and now he was excitedly taking them out to report to the director, "Director, I found three kinds of wild fruits!"

    Zhu Yunxiao had a proud expression on his face, thinking Heard a compliment from the director.

    Unexpectedly, the director didn't respond at all, he stared at the distance and sighed, "What's the use, I've collected all five types!"

    Zhu Yunxiao was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had heard wrong.

    who? Actually found it first? He thought he would be able to find it after he had lunch, but he didn't expect someone to take the lead.

    Zhu Yunxiao lost sight of the tent, and found that there was no one except Xia Ting.

    It can't be Xia Ting, right? Obviously when he went out, Xia Ting was still feeding the rabbits in the tent, and Xia Ting was baking something, it had been roasting for a while, and the food was emitting a burst of mature aroma.

    Zhu Yunxiao swallowed his saliva, and asked the doubts in his heart, "Who is so fast?"

    "No." The director gestured to Zhu Yunxiao to look at Xia Ting, "I have to prepare lunch when I come back from fruit picking. "

    Listen Xia! ?

    Knowing the truth, Zhu Yunxiao looked like a deflated balloon, with a dumbfounded expression.

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