chapter 44

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Hello all! I am really glad that you are enjoying this story! It makes me so happy to see how I am able to make your days by updating and bring you some form of happiness! I am also ecstatic that my muse is finally working again! Such a fickle thing she is, luckily my darling Muse Master Pika has grown quite adept at keeping her going for a bit when she is here.

Remember, If you're bored, write up a short recap of the chapter as/in your review, and I may just use it in the next chapter! This chapter recap is done by USA-Jeanette! Thank you so much for your amazing recap!

Special Announcement: I have decided to switch my Facebook page into a Facebook profile for ease of use so that I will actually be able to use it and interact! Come friend me on Facebook at Ashton Mason (My pseudonym), or at Facebook dot com /Ashton. mason .5686

Disclaimer: I don't even own this soda I'm drinking, I took it from the fridge because all of mine are gone. I am a poor poor person who has given up the opportunity to make money in order to look after children who are not mine. If anyone wants to sponsor me, let me know lmao.

Previously On: "Previously we waited, along with all the students and staff at Hogwarts, for Lady Hogwarts herself to reveal the one she had chosen as Protector. A person who had the heart, dedication, and will to protect the school and all who resided within... a person who promised to put the needs of the school above their own... a person who was teacher, administrator, protector, and advocate... and when Minerva McGonagall accepted all that was offered her... a change was coming that would shake the very foundations of the world... a change that began with a simple smile!" - USA-Jeanette

Chapter 44: Unraveling the Seams

Harry snuggled closer to the soft fur of Fluffy's chest, reveling in the strong and steady heartbeat and the easy breaths which caused him to lift and raise.

A small bit away from him and at Fluffy's sides, he could hear Charlie and Hagrid talking quietly as they brushed his fur and cared for his wounds. It was still quite early in the morning but Harry did not care. Today was the day that he would be leaving Hogwarts and going back home to the Burrow. Harry couldn't wait to be back home, still such a novel concept to him.

True, he had seen his family recently but it was not the same.

In the short time that Harry had been at the Burrow, he had grown to love it immensely, the soft clucking of the chickens, the barely-there whispers and laughter of the gnomes, the soft creaking of the floorboards, and the overall warmth that seemed to be in every piece of the home.

More than the Burrow itself, Harry loved his new family. His mother Molly who would praise his cooking and give him endless amounts of loving hugs. His father Arthur who was ever curious and loving, sneaking him treats from the kitchen with a mischievous wink as his mother pretended not to notice, who would deny him no curiosity as they searched for the answers to an ever-expanding list. His eldest brother Bill who was a calm and guiding presence, opening doors to worlds that were ancient and unknown, who would encourage him to find new and ways that hadn't been thought of to solve his questions, who taught him more about the Goblins and their ways. He even missed Ginny who had finally begun to act normally around him.

His other brothers were still here with him but it was different. They had very little time to spend together anymore and that time was not like it was at home as it had been before school had begun or during the Winter Holidays. Harry missed being able to curl up with Percy and read, to listen to the twins' plan for pranks or picking up on their subtle warnings for him to avoid a certain area at a certain time, or their gentle teasing. Ron was the one that he had been able to spend the most time with at school but even that was limited to meals, afternoons, and weekends. Harry missed staying up at night and drinking hot chocolate while they talked about whatever they felt like, missed watching as Ron would play against everyone at chess, the way that his eyes would light up with the challenge.

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