chapter 30

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Hey guys, sorry it's taken so long. Between being sick (Cold, strep, pink eye, ect.) and starting my new job it's been pretty busy lately. (Don't move from humid climate to dry climate! You'll get super sick like me and it sucks!) But I haven't forgotten about you my dears! Now, from the reviews I did get for the last chapter (since you can't review a chapter twice on fanfiction and I just replaced the last chapter), I was suprised that only one of you guessed correctly on who did what! Though, I was rather confused on your take of Ron. In the last chapter Ron was interacting with someone his whole family hadn't liked in a while, of course there's going to be some animosity there. No worries however! It will fade soon. :) How can it not with Harry trying to make them friends?

Now, onto the story since I know you're all chomping at the bit to know what happened!

Enjoy~! ^-^

Disclaimer: I do not own the amazingly wonderful world of Harry Potter. I do, however, own these cough drops I'm sucking on.

Previously on Little Dragon...

"So have you heard back from your Gran yet?" Harry asked as they neared the stack of barrels which hid the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

Just as Neville began to reply a bright red light streaked down the hallway and hit Neville in the back causing him to crumple to the ground in a boneless heap.

With his heart pounding in his chest Harry whirled around as he pulled out his wand fully intending an attempt at recreating that night in the forbidden forest. Before he could make out their attacker a blinding pain exploded in the side of his head and turned his world dark...

Chapter 30: Confrontations and Cowardice

Harry woke to the feeling of floating. Though this was not the floating he had grown used to over the years, this was not floating in peaceful oblivion where all of his aches and pains were gone. No, this was very different and Harry did not like it!

Instead of feeling weightless and at peace his head was aching as though Vernon had shoved his head through the wall again and there was something heavy and rough tied around his arms, torso and legs. Focusing on keeping his breathing easy Harry cast out his senses to try and determine what was going on.

Just in front of him there was what sounded like footsteps, muffled and rushed, as though someone were trying to hurry without drawing attention to themselves. The sound of a cloak dragging along stone floors, so he was most likely in Hogwarts, that was good. Up ahead there was the soft grating and rumbling of the staircases as they were about to move.

So whoever had him was floating him, likely had him tied up and they were heading towards a staircase. Lovely.

Okay, think back Harry, what all can you remember?

They had just finished up their last exam for History of Magic that morning before lunch. At lunch they sat together and then, while everyone else went outside they had gone up to the library since the lawns were rather crowded and Hagrid had to help Professor Sprout to harvest some of the more vicious plants in bloom from the greenhouses. They spent the rest of the day in the library since it was empty and had decided to head to their common rooms after dinner instead of going back to the library or outside as they usually would. Everyone was tired and they wanted to sleep.

He and Neville had just said goodnight to Blaise and Draco before turning into the hallway that lead to their common rooms but before they got halfway down someone had attacked them. Neville was taken down by a stunner and when Harry had turned to confront their attacker he had been hit over the head by something hard and heavy and had only caught a faint glimpse of purple...

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