chapter 32

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: I am really sorry about the long wait everyone! I just got a new job and it's exhausting me. Add onto that doctors visits, eye visits and trying to find a dentist that takes my insurance and is open when I can get there and it's been hectic. But, I have updated now so hopefully I can get things back on track!

In other news, I'm afraid that I probably won't be able to update more than once a week or so, depending on if the story will cooperate with me or not.

Now, I've kept you waiting long enough so, onto the story!

Disclaimer: I tried to buy the rights to Harry Potter on eBay but got sniped at the last minute. :( Now some guy called EstraGaku873 owns it. -.-

Chapter 32: A Dragons Rage

Harry took comfort from the gentle warmth that his bracelet was currently exuding. Despite the pain he was in from Quirrel's rough grip on his now broken arm as he drug Harry through the dimly lit corridor they were now in Harry could still take comfort in it. The warmth reminded him of Charlie and, if he focused enough, he could swear that he felt a soft pulse coming from the bracelet as well, as though it were mimicking Charlie's heart beat...

Harry didn't think he could have made it through the past half hour without that warmth, everything that had happened was currently a blur to him.

He vaguely remembered the vines that began to wrap around him and how he had started to sink down through the vines but he hadn't had the energy to struggle. Quirrel somehow landing next to him on top of the vines completely upright and seemingly without a care in the world.

Quirrel had watched him sink into the vines for a minute before all he could remember was heat. Heat and light and the vines parting as though burned before he was falling again. This time he hit the floor causing him to cry out in pain as he fell on his broken arm yet again.

Quirrel had quickly drug him into a room which contained hundreds of glittering bird like objects which had quickly caught Harrys gaze in awestruck amazement when he finally took in the whole picture and realized that they weren't birds at all but rather keys! Keys with multicolor wings were flying high above their heads in graceful patterns that kept Harry's rapt attention.

At least until a long stream of flame materialized from Quirrel's wand and engulfed the keys in its fiery grasp singing the wings to a crisp and leaving behind none of their former beauty.

Quirrel had promptly stepped into the scattered pile of ashes and keys before choosing one which was rather rusty and old to unlock the door on the other end of the corridor.

After that there was a chess board only the pieces seemed to tower over him... Had they been shrunk upon entering through the door? Some sort of enchantment perhaps? Either they were shrunk or this chess board was massive! Even the pawns which were hunched over stood at least three feet higher than Harry himself!

Harry had soon learned that this was not just an immensely proportioned chess board but rather a larger than life version of wizards chess which had to be played with a live body acting the part of one of the pieces.

Quirrel, upon realizing this fact, had forced him to play the part of a pawn all the while laughing maniacally as the shards of various chess pieces sliced through his pale skin and thin clothing leaving behind crimson trails of blood to well up and spill over.

By the time Quirrel had won the game of chess and they had begun to make their way through to the next chamber Harry was once again numb, the only thing keeping him moving was the painful hold that Quirrel kept on his arm.

Harry was unsurprised when upon reaching the next chamber who's only inhabitant was a rather grotesque troll, no larger than the one that he had encountered on Halloween, Quirrel had brutally bludgeoned it to death with its own club all the while laughing cruelly.

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