chapter 35

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Happy late Valentines day my darlings! Sorry that this chapter is short but I really wanted to get it posted for you all to enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I own only the soda and peppermint bark that I'm using to keep myself awake.

Chapter 35: Coming Together Again

Molly sighed despondently as she once again looked at the clock above the mantle. Dinner time had come and gone and yet Arthur was still not home. He had floo called to let her know that he may be home late since there had been yet another case of a toilet spraying boiling water at any muggle who had the misfortune to use it. Of course she did not eat dinner alone.

She had instead played host to the two newest members of her family, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Oh how excited Harry was going to be when he found out that Sirius had been granted a clean bill of health!

Molly could not wait for summer vacation to come. Oh how she missed having her darling children at home, she missed cooking a large spread of delicious food for the family; usually Harry would assist her, something that warmed her heart; attempting to hide her amusement at one of Fred and Georges pranks, missed Ron sneaking into the kitchen for food and Percy asking to be taken to the muggle library; his new favorite place to spend his time, so like his father; even Ginny was rarely around during the school year instead preferring to spend time at the Lovegood residence.

"Molly? Are you alright?" Remus' gentle tone broke her out of her musings.

"I'm fine Remus," Molly said with a sad smile as she took another sip of her tea. "I am just thinking of how quiet it is here this school year. Ginny has always liked going over to the Lovegoods but Ronnie always preferred it here. I must admit... I miss the chaos."

"That's understandable Molly," Sirius said with a grin as he sat forward from his reclined position on the couch. "Euthemia used to say the same thing when we got off of the Express. Said it was too quiet."

"That it is," Molly agreed as her eyes once again drifted towards the clock on the mantle only to freeze in horror as, once again, Harry's hand was stationed firmly on 'Mortal Peril.'

"Oh Merlin no," Molly managed to get out as her body began to tremble as her fear threatened to consume her. Not Harry. Not my Harry.

"Molly?" Remus asked in concern as the matrons face lost all color that it had previously help, her form trembling in the chair that she had seated herself on. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Do we need to call a healer?" Sirius asked as he began to stand so that he could reach the Floo faster.

Their answer came in the form of a single shaking hand raising and pointing just above the fireplaces mantle where the shining silver spoon which was adorned with Harry's grinning face pointed straight down to where the words 'Mortal Peril' were etched in deceivingly cheery font.

"We have to go," Molly whispered as she stood, eyes still glued to Harry's hand on the clock, not noticing how Charlie's had moved to show that he was 'Travelling'. "We need to get to Hogwarts now! Quickly, out past the front gate, we'll apparate to the edge of the wards."

"Molly wait! We can't apparate there," Remus said trying and failing to keep the panic from his voice. "Dumbledore controls the wards. if we apparate there he'll know and who knows what he'll do to Harry to cover this up? We need to be smart about this. Perhaps the Night Bus?"

"That would take too long!" Molly said fretfully as she began to pace, "Oh I knew that I should have picked up some more floo powder!"

"Floo wouldn't work either anyways Molly," Remus reminded as he too began to pace around the small living room.

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