chapter 31

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Little Dragon

Authors Note:I know that I was supposed to update the other day and I'm just as upset at myself as you guys are but the only thing that I can say is life is a bigger bitch than Umbridge. -.-

Anyways, I've been squeezing in as much writing time as possible and am pleased to say that the chapter is finally done! :D

Despite the lateness I hope that you all still enjoy this! In this chapter we'll have some POV from both Dumbles and Quirrell so hopefully I can pull off two separate brands of crazy in one chapter! ^-^

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter I could afford the Cheetos which I am currently craving. Ah, it is for naught though. Perhaps one day!

Chapter 31: Of Traps and Trapdoors

Quirrenus Quirrell smirked as he glided silently through the shadows, his master was quite pleased with the proceedings for which he was relieved.

For months they had tried to get the Potter brat on his own, especially after that day in the Forbidden Forrest. How the brat had managed to harness such raw magic was a source of great disdain for his master, one which he was severely punished for.

He wouldn't fail again!

Casting a quick muffling charm upon his feet as well as a notice me not charm cast upon himself Quirrell set off after the four first years who had just left the library, only one of which was important. Harry Potter, the brat who lived was currently making his way down the stairs along with three of his... Friends.

Of course his master was furious when he had first found out that two of the pure blooded Slytherins had taken to spending time with the whelp but there was little that could be done for it at the moment.

'Remember the plan Quirrell,' The voice of his master echoed through his mind causing his footsteps to falter for a moment before resuming their previous pace, 'Do not fail me again! Do, and you will not appreciate the consssequensssessss,' the voice continued in a harsh tone which left no doubt behind as to what would happen should he fail again.

As his prey neared the Hufflepuff common rooms Quirrell could feel his pulse speed as he began to contemplate the best course of action he should take. He would need to remove the Longbottom disgrace from the picture before taking out the Potter brat as well.

A simple stunner would work on Longbottom but Potter would probably be able to fight his off within minutes and they couldn't have that now could they?

No, the crude but efficient muggle way would have to do. A knock to the head would no doubt but him out for a decent amount of time. Now, what could he use to do it? There were no rocks... Perhaps an extinguished torch?

There! In the center of the corridor between it's entrance and the kitchens stood a suit of armor complete with a shield. Perfect.

Speeding up his steps as the two first years continued their leisurely walk just ahead of them Quirrell quickly cast a silencing charm on the suit of medal and took the shield from its clutches.

Within seconds he had cast a stunner at Longbottom and, as his prey whirled around with a shocked expression lighting up those emerald depths Quirrell took great joy in raising the shield high above his head before forcing it down onto the Potter brats temple and watching as he crumbled to the floor with a satisfying thunk.

Taking only a moment to savor the thrum of approval that he could feel coming from his master Quirrell once again set to work as he silenced Potter and cast a spell which bound him in thick ropes. With one last spell to disillusion him Quirrell quickly turns and makes his way back to the third floor corridor.

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