chapter 28

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: I have only two chapters more after this and first year shall be finished! Worry not my dears, ;) there is still much to go before Little Dragon is complete! For now, I feel we should continue with the story so that your fears for the dear unicorn may be laid to rest or confirmed. Muahahahahaha!

Yes, this chapter is a little short but I was anxious to get it out and if I were to include the rest of what I planned it would be twice the length of my average chapter... Anywhozles~! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The author would like to apologize for her odd mood. She's running on little sleep and mass quantities of stress. As such, she has wished me to educate you on the fact that she owns not the characters or canonical plot lines and such merely the original ideas, characters and the therapeutic feelings which writing grants her. She has odd wording, no?

Chapter 28: Outcomes and Fates Changed

Hagrid quickly made his way back through the brush and to the clearing where he had left Harry only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight that met him.

There in the middle of the clearing sat Harry, Fang and the unicorn mare. The unicorn looked exhausted and judging by the pile of torn cloth stained the pearly silver of its dried blood she had lost a good amount of blood but it seemed that Harry had managed to stem the flow quite well.

With a small relieved smile flitting about his face Hagrid stepped into the clearing and chuckled in amusement as Fang leapt to his feet and bound over to lick his large hand.

"Hagrid!" Harry called out in relief as he grinned up at the large half giant from his position beside the unicorn mare where he was pressing a length of torn fabric to the largest of its wounds. "Did you get them?"

"No," Hagrid grunted out as a scowl crossed his face as he thought of the monster who would willingly do something so horrible. "Bu' he'll be feelin' it in the mornin' I'm sure. I managed to nick his side with me arrow."

"Good," Harry said with a small scowl which only proved to look adorable on his small face before a soft whinny drew his attention back to the mare who was currently looking at Hagrid with fear in its eyes. "Hey now," Harry cooed out as he stroked down it's neck with his silver stained fingers. "That's it, you're okay. Hagrid's nice, he'll help make you feel better."

Much to Hagrid's shock and astonishment the mare quickly calmed under Harry's ministrations and ever turned her head to nuzzle at Harry's palm much to his delight.

"I think I've gotten the bleeding down pretty well but I'm not sure. I've just been applying pressure," Harry told him nervously.

"I shoulda known," Hagrid murmured to himself in amusement as he made his way over to the pair and began to ruffle through his pockets for the appropriate supplies. Soon he had the appropriate bandages and some wound cleaning potion that was safe to use on magical creatures placed down on the ground beside them.

"Righ' Harry. You wai' like tha' until I say. When I do, you pull those off an' grab some of this here," Hagrid said quickly as he motioned to a pile of gauze with his large hand as he uncapped the vial with the other. "I'll pour summa this on it then you put tha' there back on. Alrigh'?"

"Okay," Harry said quickly as he shifted so that he could better reach the gauze.

"Righ' then... Now!" Hagrid said and grabbed the potion quickly as Harry pulled the cloth strips away. As the wound became uncovered the blood began to slow build up and prepare to well over the crescent shaped gashes. In one swift motion Hagrid poured the light blue potion over the wound and once the flow of liquid ended Harry gently pressed the new handful of gauze onto the wound. "Goo' Harry. Very good," Hagrid said with a bright smile before he reached over and began to prepare the bandages to wrap up the wound. "Give it a minute an' then we'll wrap 'er up, she'll be good as new!"

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