chapter 40

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Thank you all for remaining so patient with me and my rather strenuous update schedule. My new job is going well, I am now in a leadership position and heading up a pilot program, I have gotten a little travel trailer that I'm trying to fix up into a mini apartment, and my kids are getting older and demanding more of my time. But always remember, I love you all and will NEVER abandon you or my story.

...That and Pika would probably come here and kill me if I do!

Anywhozles~ onto the story!

Disclaimer: I only own my anger at Rory from season 9 of Survivor. Seriously dude? Come on!

Chapter 40: The Goblins First Move

"And just what do you mean by 'not a thing?'" Amelia asked suspiciously as she stood to address the strange goblin before her. She personally only truly interacted with two goblins, the goblin at the front desk, and the goblin in charge of her families account.
"Madame Bones," Griphook said diplomatically as he took in the impressive visage of the witch before him. Madame Bones was well respected within the goblin community, both for her own deeds and morals as well as that of her family. "Heir Potters fees for any and all services have been waived as he is a Friend of the Nation through recent deeds which he has accomplished."
"Recent deeds? And just what has it been that mister Potter has accomplished? I have heard of no mighty deeds that Potter has done to earn such a rank?" Proudfoot growled in aggravation from his position beside Madame Bones.
"Mighty Deeds do not make the wizard Donald Proudfoot," Griphook said simply as he turned away from the pair and looked towards the group on the sofa to assess their well being. "Mister Potter has shown the nation more humility and respect in a single moment than anyone else has in a very long time."
"And why exactly is it that Mister Potter has been made a friend of the Nation? It is not like no one else has shown goblins respect, I myself bow to the tellers and thank them each time that I visit Gringotts." Amelia asked curiously, her head tilted slightly to the side.
"That is true Madame Bones," Griphook stated simply as he continued to stare at Auror Proudfoot, withstanding the urge to smirk as the Auror began to shift awkwardly. "However, why is it that you do so? Honor? Compassion? Dignity? Respect? Because you were taught to do so?"
"All of those reasons I suppose," Amelia answered slowly as she thought over her response.
"Precicely." Griphook said simply as he moved forward once more, the large warriors flanking his sides without a moments hesitation. "Now I may be overstepping my bounds, but I have brought multiple of the Nations highest level warriors. They will assist in securing the grounds and castle. I have also brought along several ward masters, they will assist in breaking Dumbledore's hold on the ward schematics and insure that no malevolent or... Inventive wards remain behind after his departure." Griphook announced and took great pleasure in the looks of slack jawed shock now adorning the humans faces.
"Now," He directed his attention towards Madame Bones once again, "Do not misunderstand me, Madame. The Nation is indeed being selfish in showing part of our hand as we are. For far too long the witches and wizards have looked down upon the Goblin Nation as being lesser. We hope to end it. Some day the populace will need us, be it another dark lord or merely when you come to your senses that we do indeed control your wealth. We intend to make it clear that we are more than willing and capable of working with you. Should you accept of course."
And with that final statement hanging thickly in the air of the infirmary Griphook extended his hand to the stately witch before him, his long and spindly fingers a sharp contrast to the witches thin and narrow ones.
As palms met and fingers wrapped together Griphook gave a truly pleased smile.

Healer Fowlfinger exited through the small privacy curtain silently and with the grace and fluidity of one who was used to doing so on a daily basis. This was a skill that was not only practical to gain in her line of work but also necessary. With so many warrior goblins under her care you had to take care to not startle them lest you become a patient yourself.

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