chapter 36

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Little Dragon

Special Edition Authors Note: Happy birthday to my darling Muse Master Pica! I love you my darling!

Hello everyone! Thank you for your wonderful reviews! I am so glad that you liked the last chapter! I was extremely excited to see that I have my first review in a different language! One of you lovelies hails from France and used google translate to read through this fic! It has given me ideas about possibly posting these chapters in a different language as well. Though this may have to wait until I get to the next arc in the story and find someone who can double check google translate for me. To you lovelies who hail from different countries can you let me know where? I would love to know where my lovelies are all at on the globe. Anyways, enough with this extremely long authors note. On to the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, however I do own the clothes that I am wearing... Well not the socks. Dobby asked me to keep them warm for him? It's the least I can do considering what I put him through in my stories. Not my fault, my name HAS a reason after all!

Warning: This chapter contains a brief scene of animal and child abuse.

Chapter 36: Aftermath

"You boys used to do this for fun?" Molly panted out as she she stumbled over yet another obtrusive rock on the already uneven path. "You must have lost your minds!"

"I'm starting to believe that myself Molly," Remus huffed from where he stood hunched over in the corridor to prevent his head from hitting against the low ceiling.

Molly would admit to being happy that she wasn't very tall in this moment. Yes there was a point where Molly had to crawl through a particularly narrow portion of the corridor, however she was not the one that spent the whole trek doubled over as Sirius and Remus had.

"I remember this passage being taller," Sirius grunted out as he stubbed his toe on the same rock that Molly had just tripped over.

"Please tell me that we are almost there!" Molly groaned as she rubbed at a spot on her head that had just collided with a portion of the ceiling.

"It should be just around this curve," Remus said with a pleased groan as he was finally able to stand at his full height as the passageway grew to a decent height once again.

"Thank Merlin," Molly breathed as she stepped around the curve and looked at the stairs before her with a critical eye. "So these steps will take us into Hogwarts?"

"Yes, since the steps are already here we should only need to cast the spell at the top to get out."

"What do you mean since the stairs are out? Are they not always here?" Molly asked incredulously.

"Nope," Sirius chuckled as he clapped Molly on the shoulder, "When you go through the passage towards Honeydukes you cast 'disscendium' and it becomes a slide, coming back you have to cast 'ascendunt' and the slide becomes stairs like these."

"And how exactly did you boys find this out?" Molly asked as she raised an amused eye towards Sirius.

"We didn't actually," Sirius said with a bittersweet smile as he lovingly caressed the corridors side. "James did. No idea what possessed him to try, but he did and it became one of the corridors that we used the most."

Molly allowed the two a moment for fond memory before the crushing reality of the situation once again set in.

"Alright," Remus said gruffly, "Wands out, we don't know what were walking into."

Molly grabbed her wand and held it tightly in her fist as she climbed the steps and tried not to imagine what her sweet little Harry was going through.

Once the three of them were at the top of the short staircase Remus cast the spell in a mere whisper and they all cringed at the loud grating sound that echoed through the empty corridor before them.

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