chapter 27

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Hello m'dears! I seriously can't believe how excited you all are for battle claws! Your responses have been absolutely amazing!

I just have two things to say before this chapter.

One: Some things are changed and with good reason, as of now the story is one day ahead of canon.

Two: From the sneak preview on the facebook page only two lines were cut and those two lines will be in the next chapter!

Now that that's done, enjoy! ^-^

Disclaimer: I don't own this, only my headache and gratitude to all of you readers!

Chapter 27: Detention Disruption

"You can understand her position of course, not even James enjoyed that prank you see. Your father loved your mother and everything about her, so when he saw her walking down the halls with black hair he became quite upset. If my memory serves me correctly he had all but glued himself to her waist and continued to moan about the injustice of his love not loving herself enough to continue on as she was. I do believe that he had even gotten it into his head that she had somehow been bullied into hating how she looked. Well, when he said this it was too much for your mother to take and she stormed off. Later that day Lily's hair was back to normal and your father refused to remove his hat though he did come to myself for assistance in reversing your mothers charm work."

"What did she do?" Harry asked excitedly as he leaned forward in the plush armchair beside McGonagall before the fireplace in her office.

"Your mother had somehow managed to not only change his hair color into a bright pink but she had also caused it to style itself into a small animated swan that would continuously attempt to fly off and merely succeed in pulling his hair rather painfully," McGonagall answered with a soft chuckle as the memory played out in her mind and the delightful sounds of Harry's tinkling laughter filled her office.

Just as McGonagall was about to launch into yet another story the door opened and there in the doorway stood Professor Sprout with an uncharacteristic scowl on her face.

"Pomona?" McGonagall asked in concern at seeing her coworker so out of sorts. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"Dumbledore," she said simply as she came forward and gave a now clearly uncomfortable Harry a soft smile. "Albus has called an emergency staff meeting. Hagrid will have to take over mister Potters detention."

"He has already completed his assigned task," McGonagall said quickly, her face closed off as she thought of what could possibly warrant an emergency staff meeting this late at night. "I will merely release him for the day and-."

"That won't work Minerva. It was the first thing that Filius and I checked on. Albus is insistent that if the scheduled amount of time specified for detentions tonight does not get completed tonight he will personally oversee all un-served detentions," Sprout huffed as she sat in the last of the open armchairs leaving Harry to remain awkwardly silent between them.

"Who else has detention tonight?" Minerva asked suspiciously as her eyes narrowed. Serving a detention with Hagrid in his hut would be far better than being within close proximity to Albus.

"Only mister Potter," Pomona said stiffly as she crossed her arms and glared at the fireplace. "Filius' only detention was served earlier, I had none set for today and all of Severus' were excused for some reason or another."

"And the rest of mine were finished earlier," Minerva said with a sigh as she began to rub at her temples. "Very well, mister Potter the rest of your detention will be served with Hagrid tonight, I shall write you a note so that you may safely-."

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