Chapter 11: The Beginning of Change

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Story: Little Dragon

Author's Note: Hello folks! So as I've told a few of my reviewers I am, in fact, a Hufflepuff! On almost everything I do that official Harry Potter I find that I am almost always sorted into this amazing house. Now, I may be slightly biased for this reason, but I love all houses the same. Any who, here be the next chapter! ~Wanders away mumbling sea shanties under my breath~

Hey guys, I've started a facebook page if any of you are interested! I plan on posting interesting tid bits and so on that you can check out when your bored. It's called simply FCTSyndrome. :) Hope to see you there! ^-^

Disclaimer: I do not own this wonderful world! Though I shall claim the depictions of the Hufflepuff house. Huffle-Badger Don't Care!

The seven new Hufflepuff's were quickly shepherded out of the great hall to stand at the brick wall in the schools main entry way as the other students continued to stream forward and up, or down, the three flights of stairs on their left.

"Alright you lot," Gabriel the prefect from earlier began with a smile. "You may be wondering just why it is that I have stopped you here and I will tell you this... Information. The other houses don't even bother to give their first years a quick run through on general locations and that, in my eyes, is a mistake. Believe me, I wish that one of the prefects in my first year would have done this but, since they didn't, I will. This will be a lot of help for you all tomorrow for classes.

"Across this chamber stands a doorway which will lead you to several empty classrooms as well as Filch's office and the staff lounge. The far staircase will lead you to the dungeons, the potions classroom and the Slytherin dormitories. Professor Snape's office is also down there but you can more than likely reach him through his classroom, one of the seventh year Ravenclaw's has come to the unanimously agreed upon conclusion that he has it warded. I recommend that you go down there only for emergencies at the moment.

"Now, the larger of the staircase is the main one which will lead you to not only all remaining classrooms, bar herbology, but also the library and the other two common rooms which are in two of the three towers, the other two being occupied by astronomy and divination.

"Last but by no means least is the stairway to not only our common room but also the kitchens. Now, follow me you lot," Gabriel finished with a grin as he made his way towards the nearest staircase leaving them to follow.

"Now, while we walk I would like to take this chance to dispel some myths on our wonderful house," Gabriel continued as he began to bravely walk backwards down the steps. "Most say that Hufflepuff's are the least clever, least brave and least impressive house to be in but I have found that that is, in fact, a myth. We may be the least boastful and most underestimated of all of the houses but I believe that that is what makes us the best.

"Just look at some of the amazing people who have come from our house! Grogan Stump, one of the most popular Ministers for Magic of all time was a Hufflepuff, as were the successful Ministers Artemesia Lufkin and Dugald McPhail. Then there's the world authority on magical creatures, Newt Scamander; Bridget Wenlock, the famous thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven, and Hengist of Woodcroft, who founded the all-wizarding village of Hogsmeade, which lies very near Hogwarts School. Even the great Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, the most feared dark wizard catcher to have walked these halls! Ah, here we are!" He said as they drew to the end of the corridor.

On one side was a, rather large, still life painting of a bowl of fruit and on the other stood a nook with a pile of barrels.

"Now, these are the entrances to the kitchen and to our common rooms. Since I'm positive that Professor Sprout, our head of house, is waiting to give you all the welcome speech and make sure that you're settled in for bed I will leave the kitchens till tomorrow. Now, for entry to the common room all you have to do is this... Find this barrel, two from the bottom in the middle of the second row and tap it in the rhythm or 'Hel-ga Huff-le-puff', be careful though! If you tap the wrong pattern or lid you'll be drenched in vinegar. We're the only house with a repelling device as well. The other houses may boast about how 'secure' their common rooms are but they really aren't. Ravenclaw just makes you solve a riddle and the others need a password. Foolish if you ask me! In over a thousand years though, not one single person from another house has gained entry to the Hufflepuff common room! Anyways, I won't keep you any longer! Welcome, to the Den."

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