chapter 42

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Okay you guys, so after such a very very short chapter last time I will do my best to make a nice long one for you guys this time! Just a note, I have NOT and WILL NOT be abandoning this story! Ever! This is my baby and has been for years. Yes, sometimes it takes me quite a while to update but know that I would never abandon this story.

*Please note, in this story Amelia Bones was a Ravenclaw student. Not Hufflepuff, though it was a close call.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I don't even own this wine that I'm drinking. I was just told to drink it if I wanted. Does anyone else occasionally have problems with the corks? This last one completely shred apart on me. I mean really!

The Sorting Hats Tale (PART 2)

Amelia tried her hardest to keep her breathing even as she sprinted after the Head of Hufflepuff house. Had it really been so long since she was last in school that she had a difficult time with the amount of stairs in the castle? Perhaps she should up the training schedule for the Aurors, this was ridiculous really!

Once outside of the entrance to the common room Amelia could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. The amount of residual magic in the small hallway was unnerving to say the least. What had happened here? Were the students safe. Drawing her wand Amelia cautiously followed along behind Sprout as she walked confidently down the hallway with a powerful shielding charm cast before her.

"What are you-" Amelia was interrupted as a barrage of spell work hit the shield causing large cracks and chunks to tear from the shield despite the fact that each of the spells used were rather harmless. "What in Merlin's name!?"

"Good job my Badgers!" Pomona said with pride as she ignored the spluttering head of the DMLE. "You have protected the Den well! Ten points to each of you!"

Amelia stood flabbergasted, her eyes roving to take in the sight of the entirety of Hufflepuff house standing tall and in formation while two of her Aurors lay restrained before them. What in Merlin's knickers was going on!? Was this amount of house unity why there were so many prestigious Aurors from Hufflepuff on the force?

As her eyes met Nymphadora Tonks' and she saw the amusement on her face, Amelia made a mental note to speak to her at more length regarding tonight's revelations.

Upon entering the office at the top of the moving staircase Lodbrok and Ivar quickly moved across the room to stand between wizards and the Phoenix who is currently attempting to sink his talons into a chained chest against the wall.

"Stand down, with how upset the Phoenix seems he's more likely to rip you to shreds than to calm," Ivar warned as he pulled a pulsing blue gem from one of his many pockets. "Calm now, Little One, let us help you with your task."

As the gem continued to pulse, its light a steady and gentle glow that fell softly upon the Phoenix's crimson feathers, Fawks began to calm, his furious wing beats slowing and allowing him to settle upon the chest, his talons now tugging insistently at the chains instead of reaching forward to drag the wizards closer. With a sad trill Fawks looked at the goblins and attempted to tell them with his eyes just what was happening.

"Whatever is wrong with him has to do with that chest." Lodbrok murmured as he slowly moved closer and began to examine the Phoenix for any injuries, aside from some very ruffled feathers and injuries on his talons he seemed to be well. At least, from what he could see and what had not been effected by the Phoenix's last burning day.

Giving an affectionate pat to the Phoenix's head Lodbrok held out an arm for him to stand on as one of the ward breakers they had been accompanying, Briser, came forward to begin examining the chest.

Little DragonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ