chapter 26

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: Happy Valentines day my lovelies! Major shout out goes out to Sota115, she's both my sounding board for random ideas and a source of inspiration! Love you Pika darling! :3

I've got to say, I love the feedback! I'll admit, I was worried that you guys would have given up on me but you didn't and I'm ecstatic for it! Love you all, now, enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: ~Steps on screen before clearing throat and clasping hands in front of chest~ I own only this overwhelming love in my heart- ~Gets pushed off screen by Sota115 who holds up a 'Boo' cue card~ Ignore her, she's high on fluff and low on sleep. She doesn't own anything but her brilliant mind. I'm just here to make her write under threat of being locked in my basement. You're welcome!

Chapter 26: Memories and Manipulations


Norberta is settling in nicely here at the reserve. She now has five brothers and sisters three female and two male.

Everyone here is ecstatic about the outcome and Strom seems to be happy as well even if she's still refusing to let anyone else too close which is to be expected all things considered.

Sef has recently begun to 'hint' that he would like for me to write up some research papers on everything that I have been able to learn recently from my close proximity to Strom and I will admit that I am tempted. This could be an amazing opportunity for us, not only could this impact the voting on dragons rights but could possibly help peoples views! If these papers could make even a few more stop looking at dragons in fear then it could be worth it.

What do you think? If I go through with this then I may be called away to do a seminar or two out of the country. If it happens it would be while you were still at Hogwarts so we wouldn't lose any time together, though I wouldn't be too thrilled about the distance regardless.

Now, onto other topics then, hmm?

How is Hagrid holding up? Has anyone found out about what happened? If so the rumor mill must be amazing. I'm not sure but I believe that I heard the Twins talking about spreading around that they had seen a dragon in the lake wrestling with the giant squid? Please tell me that they did! I have five galleons resting on it against Darius, he seems to think that they would tell everyone they had seen the house elves skinny dipping and offering themselves up to their Dragon Lord the Mighty Squid Tickler!

Quite honestly I'm not sure which I would prefer though Mary probably has the more likely bet of both.

Oh! I have news on the family front though! I'm not sure if Mum and Dad have owled you all yet or not so I'll just let you know here. Apparently the Weasley Wealth (that's what the Goblins have been referring to it at least) was taken a long time ago by some family called Gaunt who turned around and lost it themselves.

It seems like finding out where our wealth went is helping to solve several of the Goblins' own mysteries. You see around a century ago there was a streak of Goblin suicides followed by the loss of several families' wealth or the end of several lines. At the time it had been attributed to some odd form of guilt on their parts for losing this business needlessly and 'bringing shame' to their families.

Turns out that these goblins had been being controlled by the imperious and wound up killing themselves in an effort to stop.

Apparently the Gaunts were descendants of Slytherin that had been cast out of the family (hence Gaunt and not Slytherin), they figured that if they had managed to obtain a high enough status they could be accepted back in the family but the head of the house took to celebrating each successful gain by getting drunk and gambling and lost everything right after they had managed to gain it.

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