chapter 37

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: I am so sorry for the wait my darlings, between my body deciding to turn against me and forcing me to spend a week in the hospital, and taking care of a new baby I haven't had the time or energy to work on this story. To add to this mess, when I finally have found the time I discovered that this chapter has been deleted. Fear not! I, as always, have the main plot points memorized and am using them to recreate the chapter, though it seems that my characters have decided that they wish to change the original script. Very well, I am merely here to tell their tales after all. Nothing more. I find that if I fight them, they pout like little children and no one is happy. I spoil them, I know. Anywhozles~! Enjoy the new chapter my loves!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but a wild and often flighty imagination which I have decided to unleash upon my innocent readers.

Chapter 37: Assistance Arrives

Charlie looked down at the precious bundle in his arms with a fond grin, the tremors and twitches that were caused by the Cruciatus curse damaging his nerves were almost completely gone thanks to the potion that Professor Snape had provided, now the effects were down to a twitch every twenty seconds or so. Closing his eyes he focused on the steady inhale and exhale of Harry's breathing, on the thrum of a healthy heart below his hand. Finally, Charlie could feel the tension and worry of the day finally begin to leave him as he was finally able to relax.

Sinking back into the bed Charlie mused at how it was even possible for his precious little mate to provide more excitement than even the most finicky of his beloved dragons. To think, he had chosen to work with dragons for the thrills and adventure; of course his love for creatures did help to make his choice much easier; little did he know that being on the wrong end of an angry dragons flame was not even close to the feeling of knowing that his mate could be in danger. An imminent threat to his life was nothing when compared to the mere thought that Harry was hurt and he could do nothing about it.

With a deep sigh Charlie finally allowed his tense muscles to loosen as he cuddled his precious bundle closer, drawing steadily closer to Morpheus' embrace.

"Charlie," Madame Pomfrey's voice drew his attention towards the privacy curtain that separated them from the rest of the world, stifling a groan Charlie carefully maneuvered himself so that Harry could lay more comfortably. A tense moment passed in which Charlie held his breath waiting for Harry to wake up from his slumber but apart from a small snuffle Harry did not wake, his face still smooth and untroubled in the blissful embrace of oblivion.

"Yes Madame Pomfrey?" Charlie asked as he slowly shifted off of the small bed, being careful to not cause the bed to dip and disturb Harry.

Madame Pomfrey gestured her chin towards the bottle of lavender potion nestled in the crook of her arm. "I thought the poor dear could use a dreamless night after today, but lets let the poor dear sleep. He seems to be doing just fine on his own." With a fond smile Poppy smoothed the unruly locks of raven hair back only to stifle a laugh when the stubborn locks merely bounced back into their previous positions.

"Minerva has gone to fetch the DMLE, I thought it would be best if we were all aware of what happened. The last thing that we need is to leave a whole for Albus to slither through.

With a weary sigh Charlie scrubbed his hands against his face before bending and placing a loving kiss on Harry's forehead hoping that he wouldn't wake before he returned.

"This is such a mess," Charlie breathed out, looking at Poppy with weary eyes that had seen far to much in his short life. It broke Poppy's heart to think that the look in his eyes was not likely to go away anytime soon.

Molly had forgotten just how much energy it took to climb all of the stairs that one must when traversing through Hogwarts. Not even half way up the stairwell Molly could feel her heart rate sky rocketing, her breathing becoming slightly harder, the air burning its way through her system as her muscles protested the abuse they were currently undergoing. However, judging from the huffing, puffing and cursing that was happening behind her the boys were doing no better than she was.

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