Chapter 23: The Missing Egg

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Little Dragon

Authors Note: I am so so so sorry you guys! A bunch of things came up and unfortunately this story was pushed back. A few days ago my computer also decided to die and took all of the files I hadn't managed to back up (most of them) with it. :( To make up for this have a nice long chapter with a special dream scene at the end! :3

Disclaimer: I wish more than anything that I owned Harry Potter! I don't even own the movies or the books! (My sister stole them). I tried to steal Sev's set but he caught me and said that I could have them if he could use me for potion ingredients... I may have been tempted... I may have lost a limb or two and he may have been lying. Live and learn I say. In other news, does anyone have any skelygrow I could use?

Chapter 23: The Missing Egg

The last day spent on the Romanian Dragon Reserve was bittersweet for everyone involved. The mere ten days that were spent at the reserve had been an amazing experience and Harry knew that he would miss not only the other handlers, especially Mary and Darius who he had grown close to, but also Strom the Norwegian Ridgeback mother. Harry had spent a large amount of time with her and had the odd feeling that she, like most of the women in his life had somehow come to see him as one of her own.

"Remember to write to us every now and then, okay?" Mary murmured in his ear as Harry found himself once again held captive against her chest.

"I promise," Harry said with a smile as he pulled away to look her in the eye. "Take care of Charlie for me?"

"Of course we will, little one," Darius said from where he stood beside Mary saying their goodbyes.

Charlie himself was currently locked in his mothers embrace as they said goodbye, Charlie would be staying at the reserve while the rest of them would floo directly to the platform to catch the train back to Hogwarts. The time difference between Romania and England was truly a blessing at this point and allowed them plenty of time for farewells.

"Good," Harry said with a smile as Darius pulled him in for a quick hug of his own, "I know that he's sad about not seeing us off at the platform."

"Well that's to be expected," Mary said with a laugh audible in her voice, "It's insane to perform two long distance floo's in a short amount of time. Even one takes a toll on you, that's why it's not common, most people would rather avoid the side effects."

Well that was true, Harry remembered all too clearly the effects of the travel and their effects on the others, especially Ginny who had been sick from the after effects.

"Now," Darius said as he began to lead them towards the gathered Weasleys, "You make sure to continue practicing your defense little one. You never know when it will come in handy."

"I also expect for you to continue practicing your charm," Mary continued with a teasing smile on her face. "More often then not you will be forced to charm your way through something and it even has practical uses in battle. They expect violence, they don't expect you to sweet talk them."

"Alright that's enough you two," Charlie cut in with a laugh as he finally broke away from his mothers fussing.

"Alright, alright," Darius said with a laugh as he stretched his arm out to ruffle Harry's already messy locks affectionately. "Be sure to write then little dragon."

"Have fun at school!" Mary called out before both handlers made their way back the way they had come leaving Harry and Charlie to say goodbye alone.

"Are you ready to go back to school?" Charlie asked as he settled a hand on Harry's waist and pulled him into his side.

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