Chapter 20: Mistletoe Mayhem

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Story: Little Dragon

Authors Note: You guys are all so sweet! Thank you all for your concern and well wishes! To the lovely Guest reviewer who pleaded with me to not work until I was better so that I would not make myself worse you need not worry! :) I'm nice and rested and I even took an extra week for recovery already. My 'glue stitches' are out and the only thing left for me to do is go to my follow up appointments in a week. Thank you so much for your concern though!

I can't believe we're up to 20 chapters already! This is amazing you guys, if it weren't for you and those lovely reviews we wouldn't even be to chapter 10 yet!

Now as far as this chapter goes, there is a series of unfortunate events that are caused by a prank gone wrong. A little angsty, I'm mean to poor Harry, but there's a nice bit of Charlie/Harry fluff to make up for it at the end! Enjoy! ;D

Disclaimer: I own nothing, the characters, Harry Potter, the music I'm listening to, the socks I'm wearing (stolen from my dad because their fluffy inside), nothing. That is all.

The remainder of term went relatively the same as all the days before it though the first years were oddly subdued much to the amusement of the upper years.

Today however, was the day that many of the students had been looking forward to with the fervor usually reserved for Quidditch matches. Today the scarlet steam engine known as the Hogwarts Express was scheduled to transport a large portion of the Hogwarts population home for the winter holidays.

"Check mate," Ron announced with a satisfied smirk as he watched Harry's king toss of its crown and bow. This was the third straight game of chess that Ron had won this morning and it was enough to convince Harry that he would much rather be an observer than a player for this particular game. Honestly, Ron was just too good, not even Hermione, who had taken to reading books on chess strategies in an effort to dethrone Ron, could last very long against the youngest Weasley male.

"Honestly Ron, you really should enter a muggle chess tournament, you don't order the pieces and they don't fight but you would do extremely well," Hermione announced yet again from her spot on the opposite bench in the compartment where she and Neville had taken to observing the proceedings.

"Perhaps, but it wouldn't be as fun as Wizards Chess," Ron said yet again as he began to set the board up for yet another game much to Harry's distress. The sooner they were home the sooner Ron would have some competition. Harry loved him, he really did, but losing so thoroughly so many times in a row were quickly taking the fun from the game. In fact, Harry had long since settled on watching the looks that would cross Ron's face as he concentrated on the next move that he would make.

"How about we play some exploding snap instead?" Harry suggested before Ron could finish his set up and begin the next round of torture.

"That's a great idea Harry!" Hermione piped up with a grin and a knowing glint in her eyes that told him that at least one other person knew just what he had been attempting to do. "Why don't we ask the Twins to join in too? They're only a few compartments down aren't they?"

"I'll go!" Harry chirped with a grin as he hopped up from his seat and headed towards the door of the compartment. "I thought I heard something happen anyways. I wonder what it was?"

"This is brilliant brother mine."

"Absolutely, I love us so much."

"Yes, I can't believe we didn't think of this sooner."

"Alright, that's that set. Hand me the vial then."

"Here you are handsome."

"Thank you handsome."

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