Lodbrok turned now to study the rest of the room and privately admitted to himself that he was pleasantly surprised. Perhaps there was hope for this venture after all. Throughout the room there were Aurors and Goblins working side by side. There were no snide comments, nor sideways stairs, no belittling countenance whatsoever. Here in this moment, in this room, all were equal.

For the first time in quite a long time, Lodbrok felt hope for the future of his people.

For months he had sat here. Cut off from the world. From his magic. From Hogwarts Herself.

He had quickly given up on trying to get assistance, every movement and word using up his magic. Magic that, once gone, could never be gained again.

He had a very interesting state of being you see, while he was indeed sentient, he was not free. Neither was She of course but neither of them had truly ever cared before.

They were free enough to do as they pleased and ancient rules were put in place for their protection for this exact purpose.

With him would die Secrets, both horrendous and 'good', you see, knowledge can never be destroyed, merely contained. This was found quite a long while ago you see, with the fall of Atlantis, the community who destroyed themselves in their pursuit of power. All that knowledge that was believed to be lost forever seemed to show up one day out of the blue. Again with the burning of the Library of Alexandria.

Within him are Secrets, horrible curses and potions that make those housed in the Forbidden Section of the library and even quite a few that the Unspeakables are working on at the ministry look like a first year spell. Things created to help that only managed to hurt the world further, crowning achievements buried and forgotten about for the sake of humanity.

Should he go, these secrets would be free once again, their knowledge no longer contained by a 'being'. This he could not allow to happen.

So he quickly drew into himself, becoming a tiny speck of what he had once been, feeling the magic within him slowly fading piece by piece. He could hear faintly the sounds of Fawkes attempting to break the chains, tiny thumps akin to footsteps on the other side of a wall, faint and barely there.

He sincerely hoped that his dear friend would be successful, his spark was almost gone.

Fawkes watched closely as the Ward Master worked upon the chest, instrument after instrument being used only to be set to the side as it had no effect.

To be completely truthful, Fawkes was unsure what had truly been done to this chest and it's chain. That man had taken advantage of his burning day to do it so that Fawkes would not have the chance to counter it.

How clever that man was, Fawkes is only glad that he had not had a chance to indulge in his perversions with the children since he had become a teacher here. He and the other Guardians had ensured that. Unfortunately they could not stop his thoughts, nor what activities he participated in outside of the grounds.

Once his wrongs have been set to right Fawkes with have a truly magnificent burning day, his flames will wash away the last of the inky shadow that had been coating the halls of Hogwarts for far too long.

A cry of accomplishment drew Fawkes out of his thoughts, looking up he could see the thick chain falling to the floor with a loud clatter.

With a trill of delight Fawkes launched himself across the room and onto the shoulder of the Ward Master so that he could be the first to see that which lay inside the chest.


How long had it been since he had last seen the light?

A familiar trill sounded above him and he tried to move, how heavy he now was. It had almost been too late, he was down to the last few stitches before his magic ran out.

Gentle hands lifted him from the confines of his cell and it was as though he could breathe for the very first time again.

Magic flowed into him and around him, welcoming him back, welcoming him home. Fawkes and Hogwarts rejoicing with him in his freedom. Oh how free he felt now that his connections were back!

Opening his eyes he was gifted with the sight of Fawkes upon the shoulder of a Goblin, Goblins and Wizards around the room, some watching the exchange and others working on dismantling some of the damage that Albus had wrought upon Hogwarts.

Before those in the room could ask any questions, as he knew they were bound to do, he spoke.

"We haven't much time. The confidentiality magic that has been forced upon me is broken for the time being. We must work quickly lest others step in to cause more damage," The Sorting Hat glanced around the room once and, upon seeing the surprised looks on the occupants faces he smirked before continuing. "As the Headmaster has left before his term was finished and has not left indication for his successor, the laws of the Founders apply. Lady Hogwarts, One of Three, choose the successor!"

The Sorting Hat watched as Lady Hogwarts rejoiced, allowing her magic to flow and swirl around the room before she left, a laugh echoing through the magic as she started her search.

"Now pay attention, I must say this now before my energy fades. Whatever Albus did to that chest has done a great deal of damage to me, I will have to rest very soon. Albus has laid out many plans for the future, plans that we cannot change. You must find them and put additional protections into place. You must find a way, if you do not I fear for the safety of all who have ever called Hogwarts home. I do not know many of these plans, he refused to bond with me as was expected of him with his Role, I can only assume that his purpose in doing so was a safety plan in case an incident like this one were to happen, that as well as the fact that I have been in that wretched chest for the majority of the year which cut me off from everything.

"The only thing that I know for certain is that he has already hired a teacher for next year, one which he was very excited for. Whoever this person is, do not trust them!")

Lady Hogwarts sped through her halls on the search for the one she would be willing to take the position as Protector. She needed someone who would be willing to listen to the old ways for guidance, one who cared about the many and not just their own self interest. One who would not allow their traditions to die for convenience sake.

So many excellent possibilities to choose from! She had not had such an excellent group of candidates in quite a long time indeed!

Lets see, this one is far too young still, he will need to grow.

This one as well.

Ah, this one is the right age though I sense that they are needed elsewhere.

This ones passions do not lie with teaching.

Ah! Yes, here are two excellent candidates, but which to choose?

Yes, this one has grown but there is still some growing to do, hurts and regrets they must overcome.

Ah! This one is perfect, they are the best choice for the next Protector of Hogwarts, the next Head of the school!

Authors Note: DUN DUN DUUUN! Who do you think it is!? I can't believe that I have finally finished this chapter! I have been trying since I uploaded the last one, nothing seemed to flow. :(

But! I finally finished it! Yay! Hopefully the next will flow a bit easier! Also, this part didn't come out exactly how I wanted it but I'm still happy with it! :)

Also, I may or may not have gotten addicted to Death Stranding, it is just so fascinating! And the sound animations and music? The scenery? Kojima really knows how to make a fantastic game.

...Don't kill me if I make a one shot! Just don't okay? I finished it earlier today and something about the ending just got me blasting through the rest of this chapter. I love it. And no, it's not just because of Norman Reedus.

P.S. I am listening to the games soundtrack instead of my usual writing playlist. So if anything seems different that may be why.

P.P.S. No, I do not change my authors notes when I write. The first one I do before starting a chapter and the last I do at the end. It may be weird but it's my process.

Anywhozles~! I hope you enjoyed! Happy reading my lovelies!

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