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",there you go miss, you might heal in 2 weeks with 2 days judging the wound you had," Pure vanilla said smiling, Lily was in a corner, just staring at this situation, and behavior if this adults ",thank you... what a good young man you have become, I bet your parents are proud of how such a lovely son they had.. ," the lady said smiling ",oh... yeah I supposed," Pure vanilla smiled back ",what were you two doing here alone?," Mr. Lilith said questioning ",PV just came by to a sleepover, he had a argument with his dad- and because of school nursing program to help each other out," Lily comment ",oh- are you alright dear?," lilith changed his expression to a worried one ",yeah I am... I'm going to be a big brother after all sooner," Pure vanilla sighs disappointed ",WHAT," Lilith and Lily jumped surprised, even lady whisper that surprised ",yeah- that lady my father married is going to have a second one," Pure vanilla said ",oh heavens... Lily and my dear nephew can you both go upstairs to play? I need to talk in private to this client of sales right now," Lilith said making a excuse ",dad- We're literally almost 18 in 6 weeks," Lily said ",then chat," lilith said ",let's go lily," Pure vanilla said going upstairs to lily room, while she went behind him.

",so.. he already has a child.. and now another?.. ," the lady said ",calm down van, he doesn't have another child other than Pure Vanilla, he did had a daughter though, but I heard she died by a accident when she was a newborn i think," Lilith said ",that is Terrible! Oh god.. 5 more weeks and I'll hug him so tight.. my God, he looks so much like and everything!," Vanilla flower said in tears ",calm down.... shhh, we must be strong, okay? But now you must stay hidden," Lilith said, he looked at his phone and it was Cremé ",you should go now, Cremé is waiting for you downstairs, and so the other members too, I need to introduce him to my daughter soon," Lilith said ",bye lith," Vanilla flower said ",bye."

Few minutes later

",hey vanilla, don't you think that lady looked like so familiar to you?," Lily said brushing Pure vanilla now a bit longer hair ",no.. but I did notice some scars though.. why?," Pure vanilla replied, while lily was trying different hairstyles to Pure Vanilla and he did some sweater, they both stayed silent

",I'm not sure- I was just saying," Lily said ",so- when are you telling your dad about your 2 girlfriends?," Pure vanilla said ",I'm not sure yet... I'm not even close to him anymore... even if i tell him, he'll leave me as always," Lily was very sad about it, Pure vanilla stopped and hug lily ",hey- he's trying at least... but any help, we both have daddy issues, also each other backs," Pure vanilla said ",Pff- what about you? An angel for people views and a devil for cao, let's not say that my bff is a mistress now," Lily said ",shush-," Pure vanilla lay down on lily bed looking at the ceiling with a lot of stickers of flowers and stars ",now that I think about it.. I'm not happy at all- I know I have no rights to be jealous about him dating that... bitch- but it makes my blood boil that he has to let himself depend on her or his family, He's literally rich, a fucking model, a football player, and who knows- I just.. wish if it wasn't because his dad is homophobic Cao would had it easy a bit... and what I'm doing is wrong- because in other hand, I'm hurting a girl feelings about her true love cheating on her with me, like she might be a brat- but there must a reason why, but I just can't stand her right now...," Pure vanilla said ",Vanilla- you need to do what you think is best, your heart is precious but sometimes is better be clear than before is too late, who knows he might hurt you, or you to him," Lily said ",KIDS! DINNER IS READY," Lilith screamed from downstairs ",COMING! let's go," lily smiled and both of them went downstairs.

Both went downstairs, sit at the table and started eating ",Honey... I know it's been a while since we had dinner few times, and Pure Vanilla is good you're having dinner with us and staying, also taking care of my daughter," Lilith said ",thanks to you Mr. Lilith, but I could go back to my house- i don't really want to be a bother," Pure vanilla said ",you're not, you're family now," Lilith said.

Pure vanilla helped clean, everyone was exhausted, at the end of the day, everyone went to sleep, Pure Vanilla in the guest room, Lilith in his room.

Everyone sleeping, except White lily, she knew that face was familiar somehow, she couldn't sleep thinking about the lady she helped with Pure Vanilla.... maybe soon she'll be figuring out.

To be continued

Hello everyone! I hope you guys enjoyed the other chapter, I just wanted to notify you, that I will do other contents other than CRK, like this new one of Sci-fi called "system love" basically is like a robot thing, like a human falling in love to a robot, but you will see it! If you're interested on it, you can always read and give support!

I might also make it with few drawings made by me, or maybe a webtoon, but that will be another time! Without anything else to say, tysm again, and keep updated for more chapter of this novel part 3 of felt in love after war.

Have a good day ^^

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