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Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla movie was over, they went out talking to each other and laughing, they even bought an ice cream eating both of the 'cherry love Strawberry ice cream'.

They were walking and eating both until Dark Cacao got ice cream on his cheek, and Pure Vanilla giggle ",oh cao- you are a totally mess," Pure vanilla grab a handkerchief he had and clean Dark Cacao ",you know... I wish I could truly date you and even marry you," Dark Cacao said now holding Pure vanilla hand with the handkerchief on his cheek ",I think... we shouldn't do this kind of things on public... in any case it will not be possible....not since we made a contract... so please don't- don't stick with me...I'm just your mistress after all," Pure vanilla sigh and smiled a bit letting go Dark Cacao hand.

It was true... ever since that day after the restaurant, when he became his mistress.. they just did a few rules 'no names, no touch, no love' All to keep Dark Cacao reputation of his family on safe.

Things got awkward after,not until they heard a notice like a crash and turned their head on that direction.

",ouch...mmh.. ," a female said standing up, she was familiar ",Lily?!," Pure vanilla was surprised ",o-oh vanilla, I'm so sorry for interrupting both.. I was," White lily said with kinda of tears ",lily?," Pure vanilla walk towards her and she step back ",I- I'm fine.. ," White lily said ",LILY-- MY AWESOME GIRLFRIEND- HERE YOU ARE! AWWW YOU BROUGHT FLOWERS TO ME? THANKS- BYEE GUYS-," Golden Cheese appeared and dragged White lily, Hollyberry immediately appeared as well running ",hey guys- uhh.. wanna come to the Karaoke? Since we met," Hollyberry said ",uhhh- holly we're bus-," ",OFC- WE'RE GOING! Come on Dark Cacao!," Pure vanilla pulled Dark Cacao from his jacket ",but-..," Dark Cacao said confused ",not now cao.. ," Pure vanilla whisper to him while walking both with Hollyberry.

Meanwhile with white lily and Golden Cheese

",AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME? YOU KNEW!!," White lily was crying while punching Golden Cheese at her chest ",hey- I know you liked Pure Vanilla but is time to let him go... plus you already knew ever since that time on the office didn't you?," Golden Cheese said ",yeah! But I thought it was a joke!! It was on our freshman year!!!! I didn't know it was for real that kiss- and the other things.. ," White lily stayed in silence, Golden Cheese sigh and hug her wiping her tears ",hey.. don't cry okay? You know gayness this days are high- if you already knew- why did you kept loving him?," Golden Cheese said ",I don't know... he was the only person that was there for me and took care of me....even tho we are the same age but it doesn't matter to me!! He was the only one who understood me... ," White lily said ",hey... you Don't need that bff- you have TRUE GIRLS BFF'S!," Golden Cheese said ",uh?," White lily was confused ",come on lily.. you know better my cute flower," Golden cheese said ",what you mean???," White lily was now more confused ",just follow me," Golden cheese said grabbing White lily hands and dragging her running up the ceiling.

they reached the rroof but safety, there was a few bottles and a cooler ",why are  we up here?," White lily asked ",I know you don't drink much alcohol like what we did last time but- I got a few fresh sodas and juice box you like," Golden cheese said pulling a Coca-Cola out of the cooler and open it ",uh? I thought you would drink a beer instead of a soda," White lily said grabbing her apple juice ",well- I can't drink alcohol forever my dear- otherwise I'll be an addicted, plus my mom will notice and I'm running out of those things to not smell like alcohol," Golden cheese said ",uhh.. I have one you know?," White lily gave it the thing to Golden cheese, She gasped with spark on her eyes and huge smile until she realized something ",WAIT- HOLD ON- HOW TF DO YOU HAVE ONE?," Golden cheese said freaked out ",I don't know... I bought it for you I guess," White lily said, Golden Cheese heart melt.

Golden cheese was now drinking and White lily had more than 12 boxes of Apple juice while talking ",hey- last year ceremony we had.. I didn't see your dad," Golden cheese said ",oh- he couldn't make it, he came back after 3 weeks," White lily said ",oh.. well- that sucks," Golden cheese said ",mhm... fuck the juice box i love and give me that thing," White lily said taking away Golden cheese Beer and drink it all ",damn- I never knew you were like that," Golden cheese said ",if Pure vanilla can have a boyfriend, why not me? I'll show him what in the fuck he lost!," White lily said with determination.

Golden cheese was confused ",what?," she was dragged down to the Karaoke where it actually was a club with loud music, White lily saw Pure vanilla and she smirk ",whatever," she said and pull hard Golden cheese jacket to kiss her on her lips, Golden cheese was in shock, but she let herself go.

In other words Pure Vanilla saw the whole thing and his mouth was opened with his eyes, not in shock but surprised and happy for her ",what te fuck..?," Dark Cacao said, Hollyberry stand up and walk away without saying anything, Dark Cacao sigh and try to drink water ",oh god!!," Pure vanilla said now in shock, Dark Cacao raise an eyebrow to see while drinking his water and he chokes up coughing wildly when he saw Hollyberry joining them, Pure vanilla was laughing while Dark Cacao was re starting his windows.

Time skip 10:38PM

This friends were tired, all the party and things, the date was awesome even though it ended up on a party of friends, but is doesn't matter.

Dark Cacao drop Pure vanilla to his house and continue to drop Golden cheese.

Pure vanilla was happy and so he entered to his house, everything was light off but not the dinner table, he noticed Esperanza cooked him his favorite meal and he gasped grabbing a lot of his food and give a few small bites enjoying it, he walk to the dinner table when he saw his step mother, all his happiness went off into a scared expression ",Son! You finally here! I have great news to you!," Vanillin said, Pure Vanilla felt his nana hands on his shoulders to calm him down ",w-what are the n-news?," Pure vanilla said trying not to get a panicked attack ",you'll be a big brother again!," Vanillin said, Pure vanilla dropped his plate breaking it and he felt nauseated to this.

The nani noticed grabbing Pure Vanilla while he was trying to breathe ",son calm down," Vanillin said, Pure vanilla couldn't do it, he felt a horrible chill to his back part and all the trauma, especially where her dead sister incident happen.

He felt everything was getting dark and the voices were kinda cut off, he couldn't feel his legs and he felt until he couldn't see anything more.

Nothing was sure yet, was the shocking news? Or the brain? It wasn't clear yet for now..

To be continued


another day of school!  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat