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Pure vanilla had to go home after a while, and Dark Cacao drop him since the rain was now gone ",thanks cao," Pure vanilla said smiling ",you're welcome honey," Dark Cacao said, they kiss as a goodbye but carefully just in case someone else could see them.

Pure vanilla open the door of his mansion and enters, he was happy, until his father appeared and run downstairs to hug him ",son- is everything okay? Did you get hurt? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? GOD- SICK? WE SHOULD GO TO THE HOSPITAL-," Vanillin said worried ",dad I'm fine, I took some medicine and I'm fine... relax.. I know I'm in a state of care, but I'm fine, okay?," Pure Vanilla said, his father sighs and hug him crying ",uh? Dad why are you crying?- I'm fine," Pure vanilla said ",I know- but look how big you are- is like when you were a newborn, it feels like I was holding you in my arms all tiny and cute as a newborn and now a big boy you are, and I'm so proud," Pure vanilla dad said and kiss him on his forehead ",I know dad- don't worry," Pure vanilla said ",I know- go take a shower and come eat, I made crepes of bananas! Just like you like for breakfast," Vanillin said ",okay dad!," Pure vanilla walk upstairs.

Vanillin sighs sad ",sir... don't you think is time to tell him about... his results?," a old lady said ",I know... but it hurts... look how happy he is after all the stuffs that happen to him... I can't just tell him 'hey son.. I'm sorry but half of your brain is getting worse, and that you will not be able to feel or move part of the body soon or later if that case increases' I just can't..," Vanillin couldn't resist and started to cry even more ",I know señor, everything would be fine, we know young mister is strong, and I know he is y mucho," the old lady said ",what kind of strong are we talking?," Vanillin asked ",uh- not in fight ever since he broke that one kid nose back in elementary school," the old lady said ",what- he did that? Damn he must be a fighter," Vanillin giggle ",I know señor.. maybe he could be a luchador," the lady said ",you are right.. hmm... should I let him do his decision?," Vanillin look at the old lady ",of course tesoro- you know... even though I raise both of you- you should let the child some freedom don't you think? I know your father didn't but at least don't be like him," the lady said ",you are right.. I can't let my son feel what I went through locked up," Vanillin sighs ",yeah! I'll take him to the park! And we could ride a skateboard!! OH! HAVE ICE CREAM-," Vanillin eyes spark ",no- no, he's a teen now, plus you have a meeting today," the lady said ",ugh- I have work... well, see you later mamá? Mom- is that how you say it?," Vanillin asked nervous ",yeah! You have improved the Spanish i taught you- I'm surprised your son do it fluently," the lady said ",woah.. I'm proud of him- bye mamá," Vanillin said and hug the lady ",bye."

The lady said and close the door, Pure Vanilla went downstairs with new clothes and already showered, he looked like she was going out ",hey- donde vas? (Where are you going?)," the lady said ",oh! Uhm... with-... who am I lying... voy a una cita nana (I'm going on a date nana),"Pure vanilla smiled ",is it the prince you told me? Be careful! Don't get caught and use protection," the lady said and wink at Pure Vanilla, He immediately blushed like a tomato ",Nana!!! How did you-?!," Pure vanilla was all red ",shhh- es un secreto (is a secret)- and I will keep it, now go," the lady said smiling ",thanks abuela- Ahhhhh I love you so much!," Pure vanilla hug her ",I love you too my child, now go because I want my comadres to have a coffee if you don't say anything of it," the lady smirk ",playing bingo again? Or should I say loteria? (Lottery)," Pure Vanilla smirk ",you know me well- Now go okay?," the lady gave Pure Vanilla a kiss on his cheek ",I want to met my grand babys," the lady said ",Pfff- maybe at my 30s you will," Pure vanilla giggle and left.

The lady smiled and saw Pure vanilla walking and get in a car of the person he was going on a date, she smiled ",awwww just like your Father when he used to sneak with Mrs. Bourbon on dates.. I hope my god is with her and she may rest in peace.. ," the lady sighs and sit on the kitchen ",well esperanza- you need to clean, soon the new Miss will come," the lady started to clean, but Pure Vanilla step mother enter ",ESPERANZA! MAKE ME SOME TÉ! THE CHERRY GREEN TÉ IN MY OFFICE!," Ms. Ari said ",coming señora!," the lady hurry and made the té and went to the living room and gave the té, Ms. Ari wasn't in a good mood ",may I asked what happen?," the lady said ",ohhh esperanza.... how should I tell Vanillin when he came back home?," Ms. Ari said ",tell him what exactly Ms. Ari?," esperanza asked ",I went to the doctor like 2 weeks ago since I was feeling nausea and dizzy, as well I've been eating more than usual... and I got the results there since I didn't want Vanillin to know," Ms. Ari said ",and that is...?," esperanza sit in the other, Ms. Ari sighs in fear a bit ",I'm pregnant esperanza... I'm 7 weeks pregnant," Ms. Ari said drinking her té ",congratulations Ms. Ari!," esperanza said ",no! Is bad! I meant- not bad but... what if it die? I kill my daughter.. and thanks to that I took all my anger and depression on my step son! And I can't have a child now... and it's too late even to talk to my stepson since he fears me... now that I was in a mental hospital and I realized all the things I did... but I just didn't want a baby.. but I guess is too late now," Ms. Ari said ",hmm... you can start again- just give more time young mister Vanilla... he needs to recover," esperanza said ",yeah... he does... well- do you think is going to be a girl again?," Ms. Ari said ",yeah! I'm feeling it is," esperanza said ",mhm... well! I can't wait to tell my dear husband he's going to be a father again! And my stepson too," Ms. Ari said ",I know Mr. Bourbon would be excited," esperanza said ",yeah.. thanks for everything esperanza, I'm sorry the way I treated you before," Ms. Ari said ",no problem señora- now you need to rest and for that cute baby to be healthy! Since Mr. Bourbon is coming home early, I'm going to cook everyone favorite meal and have a good dinner so you can tell him!," esperanza said ",hahaha! Wait- I'm going with you to the market then. I need a box to surprise him as a gift with the ultrasound I had and the results of my pregnancy with a gift... to you know who I need to apologize," Ms. Ari said ",I know he will señora- let's go!! I need that chicken for my boys!," esperanza said and Ms. Ari giggle grabbing her purse and go with esperanza.

Meanwhile with pure Vanilla

",well- what movie?," Pure vanilla said ",I know you love scary movies- so I already pay for the new one," Dark Cacao said showing 2 tickets to Pure Vanilla ",OMG! YES!!," Pure Vanilla was amazed ",yeah- don't worry.. we both love those movies, is in an hour so we have time- have ate anything?," Dark Cacao asked turning the car on ",no- I was going to help my Nani with dinner but- she actually told me to go since you know- her old friends were coming and she doesn't want me to heard her saying bad words in Spanish when she loses," Pure vanilla said ",uh- but you speak English- what's the matter with that?," Dark Cacao was confused ",uhhh- I kinda know Spanish since she taught me- I think she regrets it because she can't say any bad words unless I'm out," Pure vanilla laughs ",okay okay- Mr. Know all languages- wanna eat at a restaurant?," Dark Cacao said taking the car out of the parking lot ",darling.. is a date and of course," Pure vanilla said, and Dark Cacao blush embarrassed, Pure Vanilla noticed and giggle ",awww- you always soft with me aren't you?," Pure Vanilla kissed Dark Cacao on his cheek ",only with you honey," Dark Cacao smirk.

They both were on their way to the restaurant Dark Cacao reserve, and get there on time.

They both sit and started to talk ",cao- I never asked you this but.. how did you learn to drive?," Pure vanilla asked ",well- there was a time at my 14 my dad thought he was dying over a error the doctor did.. and so he taught me how- after when he found out it wasn't his results.. he had no choice but to buy me a car after Hahaha," Dark Cacao ",just like my nana! But she taught me Spanish! Hahaha," Pure vanilla laughed and Dark cacao sighs but sooo in love with him ",if I could I will already gave you the moon...," Dark Cacao said out loud ",what is it darling?," Pure vanilla couldn't hear ",Oh- nothing," the waiter arrived and they order their things.

After a while of eat, they went to the theater movies and buy popcorn with sodas... sadly they couldn't say each other cute nicknames or hold hands since they didn't want to have a lot of attention of the people.. so they continue their date peaceful together.

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