🖤🌼after game🌼 🖤

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Pure vanilla pov

I was more relax when I heard Chili saying she'll be keeping my secret, thanks God to give me such a wonderful friends!.

Anyways- after the match and we all celebrate a bit, everyone was gone and so, I decided to stay to help Mr. Espresso with few things of the gym while coach Madeleine was out of the gym talking to the football team ",s-see you at the karaoke!," Strawberry said ",Don't take too long you nursy emo pirate," Chili said, I quiet blush and smiled, I mean I'm covering with a side hair my other eye- I can't let almost no one to know that now I have half blue eye and half kinda like that Goldie away from my treatment and a bit of eye construction surgery as well to get my sign back.

",so Mr. Bourbon, I have to say I'm impressed from the safety precautions presentation you did yesterday to keep on a good plan of safety to everyone and on sports, as well drills and any occasion or situation to do at least one time each 5 weeks in case and give a few advice to the students for next week each class to improve the lives of students to improve," Mr. Espresso said, I smiled ",yeah! I've been studying a lot about this things to keep everyone safe, as well a few things of what to do if anything happens," I said looking to the other way, I got surprised when Mr. Espresso touch my cheek and then pull my hair of the side I was covering in my ear ",you know... there's nothing wrong to show that you have a second color eye... I don't see the bad thing," Mr. Espresso said, I stay quiet ",look... I know you went too much, and I might heard a few things you father told me before as you main teacher, and I want you to know, no matter what is happening, I'm here for you... I know the situation at home or other places with the new students are tough but... I hope you get better soon, I know you have bruises as well, but just in case I want you to know there's a program for kids like you or teenagers that are going to a lot of stuffs on their lifes, you join whether you like or not, but it could help you at your metal statement and as well physically," Mr. Espresso handed me a paper where it has the information ", is never late if you think about, you can have a good improvement on your life," he said, I nod for a yes and he smiled, he was actually a sweet teacher- I wonder what coffee did he had to be this soft? ",EXPRESSO!!! LET'S GOO!!!."

We turned everything and the school was now close, I say my goodbye to my 2 teachers and then walk way back home, I didn't want my dad to send me someone to drive me home, I just... wanted to be alone and walk peacefully even tho it was from here to my house... like 45 minutes walking, enough time I guess.

I continue walking and hearing to music while looking around, I sigh and continue walking not until I felt a drop of water on my nose, I looked up and the sky was grey ",(great.... now I have to call someone and get in trouble...)," I thought and it started to rain.

I continue walking after 8 minutes the rain started, it was heavy but if I bring my phone out, it'll be wet and mine phone are those kinds that ruined when they get wet, my hair was all wet, and clothes too, I stopped at a park into a empty bus station for a while, no one was in the place and no car too, it was strange, I started to shake of coldness since it was windy and the temperature was down ",lucky me...," I said, I was about to place my headphones back while hugging myself to get warmth when I saw a family walking.

They were happy and together... the mom a bit worried for her daughter giving her, her own jacket and the Dad holding the umbrella, they all were laughing and smiling even though the condition they were, It was a warmth moment for them.... I bite my bottom lip and looked away, for some reason I think I was hallucinating... I saw this family like me and my dad and a woman body that looked like me... but.. her face was blurry for some reason... I never even saw a picture of how she looked wince my dad cut her face off the pictures and some replace it with my mean step mom... I only saw her face once but I can't remember... I think it was the time when she killed her daughter and blame it on me, especially when she Slapped me and threw me to hit my head on the side sharp of the table making bleed and passed out after 3 months I had woke up and forgot things... sadly my dad found out and cut the face of it too... I just wish she didn't abandoned me... neither fake her death, and my dad to lie to me ever since I was a newborn.

I sneeze and waited, the rain wasn't that bad, so I save everything to be dry and walked out of the station to the cold rain, I was walking alone still when someone dragged me to a corner of the street, I screamed ",hey- relax nilla... What are you doing here?! Is all rainy... you'll get sick especially in this cold weather," gladly it was Dark Cacao... Dark Cacao?! ", what- How do you... HAVE YOU STALKING ME?," I panicked ",No!! I saw you on the street upset while I was driving, I park my car here... come on, I'll take you to my house," Dark Cacao said.

I was already inside and Cao took off his jacket and place it to me, he started to drive and I blush... this is so sweet from him... God... I wish we could date... even thought that things I'm doing with him is a huge sin...  ",hey- can I borrow your phone?," Dark Cacao got me out of my thoughts and I gave him my phone, he started to call someone, I looked at the window and each rain drop was still there ",hello? Greetings Mr. Bourbon? This is Dark Cacao Lindt, I wanted to tell you if Vanilla can stay on my house after the rain stops? He kinda got wet from the rain... yeah, don't worry Mr. Bourbon he'll be fine.. bye," Dark Cacao decline the call and gave me my phone back ",what- you can just dropped me at least close to my house," I said ",no thanks... the areas there flooded and slippery, is better if we go to my house for now," Dark Cacao said.

We stayed quiet on the way to his house, even though he was trying to talk to me, I was just tired... I don't want to talk much...

There was traffic and so I fell asleep on the way, well... I guess something good in my dream can happen...

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