☕🥟🧋 Friends teachers! 🧋🥟☕

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Espresso (Mr. Espresso) pov:

As usual, I woke up, take a bath, brush my teeth and get ready for work, importantly my coffee and Ms. Latte coffee...which is my sister and her husband "imma get a Latte with extra sugar and Latte with some cream, and a pure strong Espresso please and a regular coffee, all two large side the Espresso and regular, the latte make it medium" I finally said, it was exactly 6 in the morning and I was checking my papers and got the coffees and get back to my car and drive all the way to the school, I left Latte her coffee and Mr. Almond his coffee and for usually I went back to my classroom, I can eat and get more materials ready for today's class since it was 6:30 AM.

"Ugh- now to go to that annoying ass teacher storage..." I stand up from my desk and threw the empty cup of coffee and walk through the gym, Madeleine was not there yet, it doesn't matter since both of us don't have first period class so I just enter and started to grab some of them and maybe leave a note on his desk, I had to put myself down when- "ESPRESSI!!" I jumped scared and punch someone right in the nose, and it was Madeleine "Oh god-- DON'T SCARED ME LIKE THAT!!!" I yelled at him and helped him since I made his nose bleed "is fine! You can defend yourself, I get it... I hope you gave that harder one night" he said with a flirty look "in your dreams, I don't have time for relationships couch Madeleine" I was frustrated and get everything ready, I was about to leave when he grabbed me by my hand and push me against the wall of the storage.

I stayed into a annoying face while Madeleine was smiling nervous, I pushed him off of me and grabbed the door to open it "Espresso please!!! I'm begging you! Let's get back together! The other day what you saw wasn't anything to hurt you!" He explained, I stopped before opening the door and looked behind "I know.... but it was something to me imagine my own boyfriend cheating on me with some other bitch" I said "Espresso... I was drunk and she planned all of that just to separate us!" I stayed silent: Madeleine, that was 8 years algo when we were in high school... forget what I say that night, I don't love you either way since I already don't feel anything about you" I said in a cold tone and remembering the past "well.... I can make that happen again right?" I looked confused "what you mean agai-" I did not finished when he kissed me, I blushed and started to hit his chest to let me go.

Madeleine pov

I kissed him and grabbed him while he was hitting me on my chest while I cornered him against the wall and make the kissed more passionately. We started to kissed, more and more until I got into his neck making moan a bit since I was going into his favorite parts "m-madeleine stop- we're at school" I ignored him and grabbed his legs and place it around waist while unbutton his shirt bit by bit "shh, no one will know, is fucking early like 7:15, classes start at 8:30 so se we have until 10 AM since we don't teach until second period" I explained but he was frustrated, how cute.

Now finally he was accepting my kissed and we were going more far just to do in it when the door open and Latte fall "Ahhhhhhh-- shit! This door!!" She said, we both turned around "L-Latte!?" Espresso got in panic and pushed me off "HAHA!! I KNEW YOU TWO WERE HAVING SEX AT THE GYM!!" she pointed at us, Espresso blushed angry and I smirked hugging him behind "and a good way you interrupted us" I say in a bad mood now "woah- I'm sorry, use a condom HAHAHA-" Latte run without first threw a box of it on Espresso face "Latte.. YOU MOTHERFUCK** WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!!" he yelled all red "FROM MY HUSBAND!!!" We heard her scream ".... Now no-" Espresso button his shirt and his clothes and his pants before I went through it, and I did the same "I'm sorry for that-- my sister bitch ass fujoshi shit got her off of her mind" he apologized "so are we on a date espressi?" I said asking him, he sighs and looked away "you better not messed up this time... Friday, at 8:30 in this restaurant ****** I hope you don't get late" I hug him excited "THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!" I said and he was a bit blushed.

Espresso pov

I walked out of the gym now regretting all of this, I just say yes to a date! Especially with my ex? Hell no!! But is too late Espresso- you just let yourself do it without notice...

After some time he was doing his classes when he noticed some, one of his kindness student wasn't there "and The nickname Pure Vanilla?" I asked, his friends didn't say anything which gave me a weird think until a secretary of the office arrived "Mr. Espresso can I talk to you for some moments?" I immediately accepted and walk outside of the classroom to the hallway without giving my instructions and work "what happen?" I took my glasses off "well-"

/to be continued!/

Spoilers- next is a date.

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