🏵🌱actual events🏵🌱

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I'll changed the way pure vanilla's mom "died"


",why?! WHY WOULD I STAY QUIET?! VANILLA FLOWER PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME," Vanillin cried his wife hand sobbing with his child on his arms ",I'm sorry my love... this is the only way we can raise our baby boy safe.. is today or never," vanilla flower touched gently pure vanilla head, she kissed his forehead and left, Vanillin was heart broken.

Vanilla flower plan went wrong which made her go on a terrible car accident, it was the most horrible experience she had.

She woke up on a laboratory confused ",where am I?," she said ",welcome back agent CS-19202, it's been 7 years since you fell into a coma," another agent said ",7 years...? What- NO NO, WHERE'S MY HUSBAND AND SON?!," she freaked out ",he's already married to another woman and your son is already 9," the agent said sitting next to her ",you all put me on dead...??," Vanilla flower said ",yes, no one will never recognize you anymore flowy, you got severe level 3 burns from the accident, the company spend a lot redoing your face, at least half of what is was burn, and as well your body, you did lost your leg and it was replace with a robotic one tho," the agent said ",God.. No... I thought after this I was going to be free, raising my baby, and seeing him grow! He was only 2 when he had me on my side," vanilla flower started to cry ",your son will be accepted when he ages to 21, but for now is better get you all repose, you have a visitor later," the agent said.

Vanilla flower didn't eat anything for 3 days thinking about her "proud" decision she did.

She got dismissed by the hospital into a penthouse payed by the government and company she was working with. She was staring at the window of this tall building while she was sitting on the floor with emptiness on her eyes, not only she made the worst mistake of her life, but she couldn't go back... her love of her life got remarried, his son probably already forgot about her, or maybe he doesn't know anything about her... she only had the chance to hold him in short time... the baby she waited for so long with her beloved, everything was gone... ",you did your best Vanilla," a man said from being a bit sad seeing her like that ",you need to eat something, if you really want to see your baby boy again, you need to have strength and determination, who knows if he still remembers you, you need to fight this depression... you must continue vanilla," the man said trying to cheer her up, but It didn't work.

The time passed, Vanilla flower cried for few hours, then she calm down, and the same guy went to check on her, but she simply didn't even see him, but just ignore him.

The man was really heart broken seeing her like that, he knew her since the first day of her journey in the company ",fuck it," the guy went out, and Vanilla flower started crying again.

Few hours Vanilla flower fell asleep when the door made a big noise, this woke up Vanilla flower in a jump, the guy came inside with another man with a bag in his face and tide up, he place it on the couch and close the door ",what-," Vanilla flower finally stood up, and looked at the guy with a face of "what the fuck dude-" the guy sighs and took the bag off the man face and so the tape on his mouth ",YOU SON OF A BITCH- WHAT THE FUCK?? I HAVE TO SEE MY DAUGHTER-," he complained, Vanilla flower gasped ",LILITH????," Vanilla flower said ",wait-...," Lilith started to cry ",YOU'RE ALIVE!! I KNEW IT!! YOU'RE ALIVE," he cried ",lilith... oh my heavens," Vanilla flower hug him and they both cried.

",I'm so happy to see you... but why?..," lilith said now with red eyes ",I survive... and I'm not sure, I just woke up from a coma and I barely got out of the hospital," Vanilla flower said ",then.. who is this man?," lilith said looking at the man that kidnapped him ",he's  Cremé caramel, he's my partner since day one of work for SPG," Vanilla flower said ",nice to meet ya," Cremé said ",why did you bring him..? The SPG will literally fired you," Vanilla flower said taking away the rope from Lilith hands ",the SPG can kiss my ass for real, I don't care- you're like a little sister to me Van, I couldn't see you depressed there without eating- so I bring your best friend since elementary," Cremé replied ",thank you... ," Vanilla flower said smiling ",you did what...? Oh no- you are eating okay? Don't starved yourself you dork," lilith smiled ruining Vanilla flower hair ",Haha this is like when we were in middle school," Vanilla flower said, she went to kitchen but Cremé stopped lilith ",before anything, you're now involved on this... SPG won't let you go that easy... so don't even dared to say anything about meeting Vanilla flower until the SPG gives you the authority to do so... got it?," Cremé said ",I know- is not the first time I do things like this... but this means," ",you won't have as much time with your daughter anymore... so be hiring babysitter from now on," Cremé spoke ",let's talk afterwards when she goes to bed... ," lilith whispered and enters to the kitchen.

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