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After the accident, Golden cheese had to used a crutches for at least a month or 9 weeks with therapy, after all they didn't do the surgery or something since Pure Vanilla save both from even horrible destiny for both.

"Woah be careful" Hollyberry said carrying Golden cheese Backpack "was pretty painful?" White lily asked "does it look like it?" Golden Cheese said with sarcasm "hey- is getting pretty late- I heard that Cao got a date with a girl or something like 1 hour ago or 2" Hollyberry said "yeah, and Pure Vanilla text me that he'll be busy study, I guess he's such a good heart! Study to save more life!" White lily said "woah amiga, I guess you truly like PV right?" Golden cheese said with a smirk "yeah... I haven't told him how I feel about him since he's been with cao a lot... I love how innocent he is!! I swear if I found out that bitch took my pretty flower innocent mind he'll regret it!" White lily said mad "woah chill sis, calm down.. they won't do anything stupid, you know Dark Cacao has a girlfriend anyways" Hollyberry said "yeah I guess- since I'm all hurt, can we goo the 3 as a girl night at the karaoke?" Golden cheese said with a smile "sure! Girls let's go!" Hollyberry said and White lily giggle.

Meanwhile into another place

"Ah!~~ fuck-- Cao you're going too fast!!~~ ngh~♡" moans were heard around the room and bed sounds "almost~ ngh! Shit nilla you're so tight~~♡" Dark Cacao said and came inside of Pure Vanilla making him scream of pleasure or moan big. They both lay down at their side of the bed Pure vanilla was already tired "fuck... I can't believe the angel of the school accept to be my secret lover behind my own girlfriend" Dark Cacao said "yeah, but she's not here, she doesn't need to know" Pure Vanilla said, he was still regretting he did it with his crush, but just because of a stupid deal he made Dark Cacao agreed "I never knew this savage part of you Vanilla..  you know Lily is going to fucking kill me for touching her precious flower" Dark Cacao said "Don't worry about her, she doesn't need to find about this either" Pure vanilla turned and place his hand on Dark Cacao chest, Dark cacao sit up and grabbed another condom and open it "since you sure, what about a 4th round, the other broke" Dark cacao said
And kiss Pure Vanilla on his lips "yeah-- I guess... either way I was the one who seduce you right?~" Pure Vanilla said trying to do it again "you know? I like this dark part of you~" Dark Cacao said now kissing passionately Pure Vanilla mouth while Pure Vanilla open his legs letting know Dark Cacao he wanted it.

After the whole 4th rounds they both took a shower and Pure Vanilla had to wear a skirt and a a bit short was and shirt, they're were all pastel yellow and white, even the large socks and the yellow white shoes, while Dark Cacao was unshirt he was looking up and down and smirk to Pure Vanilla "why didn't you wear that before you lost your own virginity?" Dark Cacao walk and grab Pure Vanilla by his hips and kiss his neck "well- is barely 9:30 PM and I have some meeting with my step mom, so I have wear this if I'm with her" Pure Vanilla said and kiss Dark cacao cheek "what? Are you isn't this for the 5th time?" Dark cacao said passing his hand on Pure vanilla ass and smack it hardly "cao-- control yourself bitch---" Pure Vanilla was blushed now and more about Dark Cacao touching him even more than he was doing "then why these things?" Dark cacao asked one more time "you see... when my mother disappeared and was declared dead by some evidence... my father met my stepmother and he married her, she was actually nice to me until she got pregnant with her first child..." Pure Vanilla said while he was remembering those time "and? I didn't know you have siblings" Dark Cacao "I never say I have-.... actually... it was a girl, there was a time that she was born just almost like me but my stepmother got addicted to alcohol later on.. she even got drunk and sleep with my step sister on her arms tight to suffocate her.. she was only 1 month when she die, she was still drunk and place her dead body on her crib... I didn't know that she was dead by then, it was morning when I wanted to see how she was and when I get there, I saw she wasn't breathing and she was pale and I carried her and started to do the everything to get her back when my stepmother walked in and she hit me with her bottle of wine and pushed me out of the way... since then she got in trauma and she blame it all on me..." Pure Vanilla said, Dark Cacao was stunned "and what does that has to be with you dressing this way-?" Dark Cacao asked "oh- she replaced me with her daughter, and now she treats me like a girl, that's why I have this on otherwise she'll do something I don't want to say...." Pure vanilla said.

Immediately Dark Cacao hug him "you know... I'm not this friendly with anyone but you.. want me to walk you home?" Dark Cacao said putting his shirt and jacket on "sure I guess" Pure Vanilla said, they both left and started to walk, Pure Vanilla was relax, but Dark Cacao wasn't, he knew some of those men's were looking at his lover ass because of the tiny skirt and shirt, importantly his adorable face and beauty, which he was pissed and took his jacket off to tie it around his waist and get his closer to him "uh??" Pure Vanilla was confused "shut up- maybe we should stop at a restaurant, you have to be at 11 right? Let's go eat something" Dark cacao said and looked around in a killer face scaring the men's that were looking at his lover "uh- sure" Pure Vanilla said.

another day of school!  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin