Chapter 26 Hostage

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay my lovelies so I know this chapter is super long, but this is the last chapter of book 1. Book 2 is in the works and will be published once I have enough content to add. I look forward to your continued support! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I began to try and move my legs and arms; my body was finally free of being paralyzed. I really didn’t like that I had to be paralyzed almost the whole day, but even with the movement I had, whatever jutsu Kabuto put on these it made me weak. I knew he said that before he left, and right now it felt like I was lying here strapped up for an eternity. I never heard anyone walk by and no one ever came into the room after Kabuto left.

            I tried to thrash but I only ended up being able to for a minute at most and my body gave out. I tried screaming and there was no response, I tried everything to get out. I made tight fists and closed my eyes, how was I going to get out of this one? Just as I tried lifting myself up so I could see around the room better I saw the knob on the door start to turn. My heart began racing and my eyes were glued on the door. I was stiff and laid myself back down. When the door opened, I saw Kabuto walk in but, there were two other shinobi behind him. They were mostly covered except for their eyes; their head coverings had the sound village symbol on them. Kabuto came closer but the two shinobi stayed by the door. Kabuto Smirked and grabbed my face and forced it up so I had to make eye contact with him.

            “You know Orochimaru has been watching you for some time…and I was a little skeptical of his plan to lure you out…I’m surprised it worked so easily on you and the copy ninja…but we have you now and that’s all that matters.”

            He leaned in closer, and he was getting way too close for comfort. When his face was only a few inches from mine I spit in his face and tried headbutting him, but he was too quick. He stood up and wiped his face and his smirk turned to a frown now. He looked back at the table on the opposite side of the room. He walked over and stood in front of it for a few moments and came back with a small sword. It looked like a katana just smaller. He inspected it for a moment and when he came next to me, I stared at him and the sword intently. I didn’t say a word, but he closed his eyes and held his open hand over the blade. His hand began to glow, and a weird light purple coated the blade. Once it was fully coated, he opened his eyes and hovered over me. He had the blade in his right hand and his free hand came up to my face again. He caressed it and ran his fingers down my neck. His eyes were staring intently at the dragon’s head on my neck and then started moving down. He grabbed the blade and placed it under my shirt, I closed my eyes because I really didn’t want to see what he was going to do next. I felt the blade run from my neck down to my hips, but it never cut me. I opened one eye and saw he cut my shirt down the middle and ripped it off. He began following the dragon tattoo but got stopped by my right arm. He held it up and inspected it and how it contrasted the rest of my body.

            “You know, Orochimaru advised we would need to torture you to provoke the spirit because you would not call it out willingly…”

            Suddenly he ran the sharp part of the blade down my arm, and I felt blood start falling down my arm to the bed. I closed my eyes shut and tried to keep back any kind of sound from the pain I felt. I then felt him release my arm and it went back to lying above my head still connected to the bed post. I looked up and could see the long cut Kabuto made, but something wasn’t right. I squinted my eyes and the blood looked off…it almost looked black. I wasn’t sure if this was true, or the darkness made it look that way. Kabuto scoffed and crossed his arms as he made his way back to the front door.

            "We are still waiting on Orochimaru to return before we can start anything but, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we got started a little early…”

Princes of the Dragon Clan [Kakashi X OC Romance] Book 1 CompleteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora