Chapter 7 Team Minato

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Another month went by and after training and studying more as a Genin the rest of my classmates had passed the exams and graduated from the academy. At this point, Lord Hokage was ready to put together team assignments in the form of a three-man squad.

            These squads were all led by senior Jonin that were to help us train, become stronger, and learn the way of the shinobi. They would help us get ready to take the Chunin exams and all become Chunin.

            The squads would also be given missions at different ranks during this time. This was to help us learn how to properly complete out a mission with our team members and in that sense create teamwork. Learning how to work with our fellow shinobi would determine our success in becoming a Chunin.

            It was currently our Osamu Sensi was giving out assignments to all the students in my class. He would call names and advise who their Jonin leader was. I was waiting impatiently wanting to know who my new Sensi was going to be, but also to know who I would be put on a team with.

            I was excited but also nervous, there were a few students I did not want to be put on a team with. And as I thought this, I caught Kakashi staring intently at me. I gave him an eye roll and stuck my tongue out at him quickly before I turned around when Sensi called out my name.

            “Alright now for team Minato Namikaze assignment…we have Isamu Tatsusageru…Obito Uchiha…Rin Nohara….and lastly Kakashi Hatake.”

            My stomach drops and I thought I was about to throw up. Kakashi is on my team? Seriously? I do not think this is the best idea.

            I raised my hand in confusion and the Sensi nodded at me for me to ask my question.

            “Sensei…you said these would be three-man squads…but you just called out four names?”

            Sensei nodded and shot me a serious glance.

            “Yes, Isamu…per Lord Hokage you will be placed on this team to be able to help and train you best.”

            I sat down in defeat; I did not believe him. But by the looks of it I do not think he would tell me the reasoning anyway.

            After all the team assignments were sent out, we were dismissed to go off to meet our new Sensei. I was the last to walk out of the classroom when I saw Kakashi step in front of me. He cut me off so I could not go anywhere.

            “What do you want? Come to gloat more?”

            His eyes went a little wide in surprise but then went back to his normal unamused expression.

            “No…I just wanted to say…don’t get in my way.”

            As he said this, he turned his back to me and waved his hand at me as he walked away.

            I glared at his back and was filled with rage. Who does he think he is?! To say something like that to me. He does not know me, we both graduated at the same time with the same scores! Well, he should not get in my way then.

            I felt a burning sensation in my throat and suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on my chest. I thought it would pass but it continued, and it kept getting worse. I ran into the girl’s bathroom and looked around to make sure no one was there.

            I went into one of the stalls and slid the door closed. I then pulled my shirt up to my neck so most of my torso was exposed. I then looked down at my chest and almost gasped.

Princes of the Dragon Clan [Kakashi X OC Romance] Book 1 CompleteKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat