Chapter 11 Team 7 Mission Hidden Waterfall Village

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I heard my alarm go off and the ringing was so loud and annoying I slipped my arm out to the side made a fist and punched my alarm clock until it stopped. As it stopped I began to open my eyes to see the sun peaking through my window and as I was about to turn over I felt something heavy on my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw an arm resting on my side and I followed the arm to where I was holding the arm’s hand. My eyes went a little wide in surprise, who’s arm was this? Why am I cuddling this hand?

            I turned my head to peek over my shoulder to try to get a glimpse of whom that arm and hand belonged to.  As I saw the sight of silver hair I knew exactly who it was. I then saw that Kakashi was lying down next to me and he looked to be still asleep. He was still in his ninja uniform and his headband still covered his left eye.

            I stared at his face for a moment and gave a little smile to how peaceful he looked when he was sleeping. My cheeks blushed and I slowly tried freeing myself from his hold. I was able to get out and I laid his arm down back on the bed as I slowly got to my feet.

            I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead, thank goodness he didn’t wake up. As reality hit me, I was confused again.

            Why was he in my bed? Why was he sleeping with me? What happened last night?

            I looked down at my hands and I finally remembered, we were out eating ramen and I had that burning sensation that took over. I remember sitting in the alleyway and seeing Kakashi come after me…but after that, it was all a blank.

            I looked from my hands to Kakashi sleeping and realized I was in my home. I thought to myself, Did he take me home last night? I mean he must have since he’s lying here with me. I wondered why he stayed though…I would have been just fine by myself.

            I wasn’t really complaining because honestly, well, I liked waking up next to him. As I said that in my head I felt nervous and heat rose to my cheeks. I shook this off and started going toward the kitchen.

            I started preparing breakfast for myself and my silver-haired guest. I began mixing the pancake mix as the tea water boiled. As I began to finish mixing and making my way to get a pan I heard footsteps. I stood up and I caught eyes with a sleepy Kakashi. He was stretching and yawning trying to wake himself up. He was never very really a morning person, and him getting himself up this early really surprised me. He was more of the sleep-in, always late-to-everything type.

            As he finished yawning and opened his eye he looked over at me with a smile.

            “Good Morning Isamu.”

            I nodded to him and smiled as I put the pan on the stove making sure to get it heated up.

            “Good Morning Kakashi, Did you sleep well?”

            I smirked and laughed a little to see his face turn red as he tried to find an answer.

            “I slept…well…thank you.”

            I rolled my eyes and smiled as I began to start pouring the batter into the pan. I began to flip the batter and once they were done cooking I placed them on two separate plates. I then placed the fruit on both plates and held one plate in each hand. I walked out of the Kitchen area and I caught Kakashi leaning on the kitchen table, his chin rested on his palm, and he was staring at me.

            Was he watching me this entire time? He is so quiet…weirdo…

            I giggled to the last part of my thought and placed one plate in front of Kakashi and one in front of where I was about to sit. I then sat down and let out a sigh of relief, I was so hungry I could eat my plate and Kakashi’s!

Princes of the Dragon Clan [Kakashi X OC Romance] Book 1 Completeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن