prolong Part 1

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Magolor felt encased in something... how odd this hasn't happened in all his years of living. While not as old as highness he was older than most. I mean his lineage was called ancient for a reason. This is what he kept from the popstaren's but he knew they probably wouldn't care much if he told them anyways. He felt hot. Like layers of clothing was on him it didn't help that he was wearing his cloak in such a confined space. Space warping magic was prone to failure and could have made his lose his memories temporarily. Did he do some testing that went haywire? He only hoped that Kirby wasn't here either. While the two came to be good friends, god knows what would happen with the absence of that kid on popstar. Then he heard a click and he saw blinding light. "Come forth and state thy name." placing a hand on his head he blinked a couple of times. Looking at the mirror he got daja ve to another similar one.

Stepping up he knew that it might be good to follow along. So stepping up to the mirror he crossed his arms. "Magolor" stopping to look at the mirror "Magolor?" the white mask asked he raised an eyebrow "is Magolor the ancient what your after?" He asked with a snarky tone he hated giving that information away, but he won't get anywhere if he was stubborn. Answering questions is the best way to get yours answered "let's see what shape your soul is then" the white mask told him his eyes went wide "you don't want to-" he shot his hand out to juster the mirror to stop. The mirror let out a terrible scream "now you have done it, have fun with that info that will haunt your entire existence." The mirror 'cleared' its throat so as to not address the elephant that's now in the room. "I see sir Magolor you seem to be already adept at using magic and have great untapped potential but your soul is-... never mind. The dorm given to you will be ramshackle." Then two people rushed into the room.

One was claiming how a student was missing. He then looked at Magolor "how did you get out of the door?" Magolor rolled his eyes "why don't you tell me?" his voice filled with annoyance. The tall darkly dressed man looked at some random student and asked what the mirror had said. the student replied "it screamed and told him he was in ramshackle." The headmage just looked at another student "ok what actually happened" the student gave the same reply. Looking at Magolor who was now looking at his 'hands', Crowley just clapped his hands "well it seems like the dorm is open again..." Crowley whispered to one last person one with red hair "did that really happen" the student gave a prompt "yes headmage it happened." he then beckoned the person that was beside him to go up. Then Magolor stepped away from the mirror and moved towards the bird-like man. He then noticed a small gray creature in what looks to be pink rope. Tilting his head he looks at it. It reminded him of a scarfy except it was more evolved and had gray fur instead of the normal orange. Just thinking of those things reminded him of his time as a shopkeeper. Ah simpler times he enjoyed thinking back on those times. Now he does his research on the lore star cutter.

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