Chapter 10: Sewer Rats

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At the hydroelectrical plant, James and Cassandra are having sex in a separate are of the hydroelectrical plant. After wards, the two lay naked together under a blanket.

Cassandra: I'm really glad we found a place with actual locks.

James: You're telling me, Cassandra-This is fucking heaven. I don't think I want to leave.

Cassandra: You ready for round two?

James: Well...uh...not yet. Is that okay? I mean, I enjoy it....but I want to enjoy our time together....just us....I don't want to make this just about the sex. Is it okay if we just snuggle?

Cassandra: Sure, James. If that's what you want...big baby.

James: What? We've been in here in hours. I doubt you can find someone with that type of stamina, right? I'm fragile.

Cassandra: James Burton, you're not "fragile".

James: I knew you were going to run with that and I want to thank you for taking the joke in that direction.

Cassandra: No shit. I know how sensitive you are with being a "shit-sniffer".

James: Agh...I fucking knew Shawn told you that name at some point.

Cassandra laughs, before the two decide to cuddle.

James: See? Spooning is kinda nice.

Cassandra: It has it's perks.

The two lay in silence before James speaks.

James: You know-we have been in here for a while. You think we should go out and make sure no one comes in here and wonders where we are.

Cassandra: Nah, I'm sure everything's fine. I'm not getting up until Maya comes beating on that door.

James: You know, I wanted to keep laying down naked with you....until you said that.

Having escaped certain death, Kyle, Sarah, Shawn and Rachel took a moment to breath.

Kyle: The fuck was he thinking?

Shawn: Fucking Charlie...if he's alive, I'm gonna kick his goddamn teeth in.

Sarah turns to Rachel.

Sarah: You see anything, Rachel?

Rachel: Yeah!

Rachel shines her light over at an overgrown, rusted emergency hatch that leads into the subway tunnels.

Kyle: Good job, kid.

Kyle goes to coax the hatch open and the four make their way in. It smells even worse than the sewers and soon they find out why. The place was completely flooded and was getting a horrible stench. Looking at the deep water, Rachel begins to have small panicked breathes.

Rachel: Uh, guys.....

Sarah: We'll find something for you.

They begin to look around for anything. Sarah then saw that one of the old subway trains was still in the tunnel. Seeing it was well, Rachel turns to the adults.

Rachel: Can one of you boost me up?

Kyle, Shawn and Sarah exchange a look before Sarah shrugs.

Sarah: It's either that or die smelling like shit.

Kyle sighs before he obliges.

Kyle: Be careful.

Kyle and Shawn go to stand next to the car and cup their hands. Rachel rolls her eyes and steps her foot into their hands as they boost her up. As she starts to walk forward on top of the old decrypted train car, Kyle, Shawn and Sarah stepped down into the freezing water and began swimming. One or two miles later, they start seeing a vague light up ahead, flickering against the walls of the pitch black.

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