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12 months after the destruction of the radioactive fluid

In an abandoned house, Kyle and Woody are sitting with Kyle cleaning the blade of his Zeus Corps machete. Woody sits across from Kyle, listening intently.

Kyle: It all just happened so fast.....that machine he had built did it was supposed to do. It killed every thing and everyone that the radioactive fluid had infected. It turns out....all this time, it was a parasite....a mutated and created so much chaos, death and destruction for years....My dad...figured it out and he was able to cure it....only catch....he injected himself with it it....see how it reproduced...or so he said...


Another blue energy wave from the machine disperses, turning the Krens drones into ash as radioactive fluid veins begin expose in Andrews' body.

A short pause, before Andrew touches Kyles' face.

Andrew: My son...

Another blue energy wave disperses as Andrew's entire body turns into ash, before Kyle kneels in shock and mourn while Shawn, Sarah and James are saddened.


Kyle: the last thing he said to me was to for for my for myself....thing is, Woody, how am I suppose to do that in world like this?

Woody: Jesus Christ, Kyle....I'm truly sorry...and your mother?

Kyle looks up at Woody.

Kyle: I killed her....she called me a mistake....insulted father....thing is; part of me thinks she was right.....if she had seen what I've had to do to survive these years in the apocalypse, she'd be proven right.

Woody: We have a second chance here, Kyle....because of you....

Kyle: I still don't think I'm ready for this....Jake never got the chance to be a dad. I'm just scared shitless.

Woody: But you do and I'll say this as a father to another, it's not going to be easy, son, especially in this world what it is now, but don't ever give up. You're gonna be a great father like your father said you would.

Kyle sighs, before Shawn walks into the room.

Shawn: Hey, Kyle..... Margaret, just radioed from back home. It's time to head back.

Kyle and Woody stand up and grab their backpacks, before Kyle places his Zeus Corps machete in his holster. Kyle, Shawn and Woody meet James outside of the house.

James: Is it time?

Kyle: Yeah....

James: How do you feel, man?

Kyle: Fucking nervous.....

James: It'll be alright, Kyle.

Woody: will be.

Kyle, Shawn, James and Woody climb on their horses and start to head back home to a rebuilt Archly Gate.

Shawn: We're almost there.

Kyle, Shawn, James and Woody make it to the front gate of Homestead. As they get closer, the doors open as they trot inside and head over to the stables. Kyle, Shawn, James and Woody get oof their horse as Shawn, James and Woody grab the reigns. Cassandra runs up to the four men.

Cassandra: Kyle!

Kyle: Where is she?!

Cassandra: In the nursery. Margaret's with her now! Just go get going!

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