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Mark's POV

I paced close to the front door, waiting for Darkiplier and (your name) to come back. Finally, the someone knocked on the door.

I grabbed to door handle and opened the door. Before I could say anything like a "hello" or "thank god", Dark came in with (your name) in his arms, limp and dried blood on her face.

"Oh shit!" Dark lays her on the couch, backing away as I kneeled next to her. I placed my shaky hand on the blood. "What happened?"

"Dark killed a girl. She's going to do way worse than I thought." Darkiplier replies with a cold, straight face.

I didn't care and went back to (your name). She started to stir and opened her eyes. (Eye color) eyes looked at me. "Hi."

I laugh in relief. "Hi."

She push herself up in a sitting position, her hand ran down her blood. "Oh. Bloody lovely, ah mate?" She shakes her head slowly. "Just blood fucking lovely."

I stared at her more, unknowing what to say. (Your name) looks at Darkiplier. "So, did she run away?" Dark nods, making (your name) chuckle. She stood up with a stumble and walked up to the wall. "I could have saved her." All of a sudden, she punches the white wall. "Son of a bitch!" Her yells sounded like a inraged lion, one that you didn't want to be near. "I'll kill her slowly and painfully!" (Your name) slumps down on her knees, her hand on the wall. "Just like that little girl. I promise."

My heart was gulped back down from my throat. Little girl? Did that demon murder a child? I clear my throat before I spoke. "What happened?"

(Your name) turns her head, to the point where I could only see the side of her face. "We went to a house where a girl lived and she was cut open. I tried to knock out Dark with a bat but knocked her into the girl. She then stabbed the child's stomach and she died. Dark knocked me out instead."

"She ran away after. I was going to stop her but I couldn't leave you." Darkiplier says.

"You should have stopped Dark."

"I could never leave you, my lady."

(Your name) shoots up, her face plastered with anger and tears. "I'm not worth it! I killed the girl!" Darkiplier quickly walks up to (your name). "You saw it. I pushed her into the child! I'm the villain in this story! I deserve to die a painful death!" A loud slap. (Your name)'s face was stuck over to the side, hair covered her face.

Dark drops his hand. It was red from how hard her slapped the girl. "Knock it off. You didn't kill her. Dark planned it all out. You couldn't do anything about it."

(Your name) stayed in place, a tear fell from her chin. "Then what should I do?"

Darkiplier stared at her. "You need to catch her. Together. We can kill her together." His dark chuckle escaped his mouth. "Now I'm going soft."

(Your name) finally looks at my demon, her face was red from Dark's slap and tears were now gone from her eyes. She looked determined, ready to fight. "I want to kill her now. I'm not affording to loose any more innocent people. Not on my watch." Her (eye color) looks over to me. "Are you joining?"

I nod as I got up. "Yes. I want to help out."

She smiles. "Good. Then let's get going."

Author's note~ only a couple more chapters and this story will be over! Excitement is up and running. So I hope you enjoyed and I'll try to make another part rather tonight or tomorrow. Idk since I have finals this week and its going to be poo but oh well. ECH! is all I have to say to that. See yeah lovelies!

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