A New Eye

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Ring Master's POV

"Has anyone told you that you're excellent with a needle?" A deep voice asks.
"Tch! Please don't even try, buster. It takes a lot more than that." A fimilair voice snaps back.
Shuffling goes around me and stops near my body. "Is she new to this whole, circus thing?"
"She's done a lot of training, but yes. This was her first show." A moment of silence. "But yet this happened all of a sudden."
A sharp chuckle runs through me ears. "But she also looked determined and very brave. What's her real name?"
A laughs comes from my right. "No one knows. Not even me. When we first met, she just said "call me the Ring Master". But I shortened it up to Ring Master."
"She has the personality of a lion though. Maybe that should be her name."
Snort. "Good luck. She'll just rip you apart in seconds. She nows how to throw down like a wild animal."
I felt my senses coming back. My feelings slowly prikleing back in my finger tips. I twitched my eyes, trying to open them.
"Speaking of the devil, she's awake."
I finally got to open my left eye, seeing a man over my head. He smiled, making his pink mustache come to life. "Good morning, princess."
I felt something fabric over my right eye. It started to bother me so I got up, holding the right side of my head. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why in the bloody hell are you here?"
The man smiled more. "Because I'm interested in your act. You are a very brave young lady." He leaned closer to me. "So how did you do it?"
I see another girl snap her fingers. "I would shilut up if I were you."
I shook my head lightly. "No, its OK, Jade." I turned back to the pink man. "Who are you anyways?"
He grins and sits in a chair, crossing his legs. "I'm the famous Wilford Warfstache. The head leader if this circus that you want to join." He claps his hands together and points at me. "And you were extraordinary, my dear. Truely gifted."
I stared at him for a while then touched the wrapping around me eye. The lion. I remember.
"Can we take this off, please? It bloody annoying."
Jade comes over and started taking it off. "You British person, you. Using your bloodies here and there." She finally takes it completely off and walks back. "Thank good its not infected."
She handed me a mirror as I open my still healing eye. I blinked in surprise as I see a bright red eye, my blue one gone. "Sorry, your eye was completely clawed out."
I stared at my reflection, a large scar down my eye and stopped were my nose was. A smile creeping up my face. "Don't be sorry. I love it!"
Warfstache chuckled. "Told you."
Jade snapped and hissed back. "Oh shut up!"
I opened my eyes. Seeing a mirror image of myself. The two different eye colors glowing back at me. I smiled as I heard the applause echoe around me.
I'm up next.
I see Jade come into the mirror. A smile creeped on her face. "Ready?"
I got up and nodded. "Born ready."
Her red eyes glittered. "Good."
We walked until I got to the opening, then I was on my own.
I exhaled deeply and hard as I heard the applause. I waved and smiled, looking at the audience.
Then I saw him. Wilford leaned against the old wooden fence, his eyes locked on my. He smiled back, waving slightly.
My smiled faded as I flick my hand, making my whip appear.
The lion stood in front of me, the eyes were different than the other one. They looked like liquid gold. Beauty but yet dangerous to touch.
I whipped the animal, making it roar and sprint towards my body. I moved to the side and grabbed onto the fur. It dragged me until I threw myself on the back of the beast. The crowd went wild as the lion walked around with me on the back. I smiled widely and bowed. I snapped my fingers, red and black smoke covered me and the beast. I turned the animal into a kitten as I whipped the air. The smoke dissapered, and I stood there strong and alive. The crowd was surprised, clapping and screaming in glee.
I bowed once more and smiled.
"Quite the act, I may say." I hear a deep dark voice behind me. It was silent as I striaghted up, turning around to the owner of the voice. A pink mustache shining in the dim light. "Always surprising the audience. But I want to ask you something." Wilford came close to my ear, whispering a question. "Would you like to become real?"
I froze a bit as he back away, smiling madly. I shake my head slightly. "I don't understand."
Warfstache chuckled. "We are in another type of universe. But," he puts a finger on his lips, like he was silencing me. "There's a better, more powerful world. So, would you like to join me?" He outstretched his hand to me.
I hesatated. "You must be joking."
He laughed. "Not at all, my love." His eyes turned evil. "Join me." I stood there, not knowing what to do. Wilford's hand went back down to his side. "Fine. I'll give you some time to think about it."
A low gurgle of a growl came behind me. I turned around and saw the golden, large lion jumping towards me.

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