The Spark

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Your POV

After I saw Mark walk out of the apartment door, I turned to look at Wilford. He smiled madly and chuckled.
"Are you sure you don't need company?"
I smiled. "I sure."
He runs his fingers through his hair, looking up at me. "I won't go easy on you."
A snort escaped my mouth. "Neither will I, jackass."
Warfstache laughed for a few seconds before pulling out his small golden gun. "Alright then, my lady." Points the gun towards me. "Let's rumble."
He shot the gun. Thankfully I could dodge. I sprinted over to the ring master's dagger, swiftly grabbing it up before another bullet could hit me. I came up behind Wilford, slicing into his back. A dark red line came out of his suit.
He grunted before chuckling. "So you're that kind of fighter?"
I nod. "I am. And I told you already; I'm not going easy this time."
The man turned around to face me, a smile crawling onto his evil face. "Then I guess that I'll need more guns."
Before I could react, he pulled out another little gun, shooting it instantly. The fast moving bullet hit my thigh.
I yelled bloody murder before I knelt down. A dark red liquid came out of the small bullet hole. "Told you too; I won't back down too fast today."
I hissed as I pulled put the golden bullet, covered in blood. I got back up, tossing the bullet to the side. I took a deep breath in before I pulled up the dagger in front of me. "Bring it on, then Wilford."
He aimed towards me with the two guns, fingers on the trigger, and fired.

Mark's POV

I heard gun shots behind me as I carried Dark over to the forest. After a while, I finally calmed myself down.
She's going to be fine. Don't worry.
I hear a deep grumble, causing me to look down at the sick bastard. He's alive.
He coughs and opens his eyes slowly and cautious. He then looked at me, his red eyes blurry.
"Mark?" His voice was deep and raspy, as is he blew up a million balloons in one go.
I nod and kept walking. "Yep. I'm still alive, apparently."
The demon chuckles. "Yeah. Thank you, hell."
I walked more and more in silence before Darkiplier asked another question. "Where's Glitch and (your name)?"
I gulped down the memory of Glitchiplier getting stabbed by the dead Ring Master.
"Glitch didn't make it. Stabbed in the heart. (Your name) is fine."
Another second of silence before more questions came up. "But where is she? And how did Glitch die?"
"Ring Master killed him and (your name) is fighting Wilford."
"What?!" Dark jumps out of my arms and stops me from moving on. "You mean that you left her behind?!"
I kept my face straight, sighing from annoyance. "I had to. Besides, she has help."
Dark's eyebrows go up in confusion. "Help?"
I nod, looking back at the apartment. "She has Flame with her. And you know her attitude."

Your POV

I ran in a circle around Wilford, dodging the bullets whizzing past my ears and body. I took my advantage and came up behind him.
Before I could stab him, he elbowed me in the stomach, making me fly a couple inches away. I got back on my feet and ran at him again. He fired more bullets, dodging them fast and rough. I ran up to him, trying to stab him in the side. But he placed his guns at my chest, shooting. I was fast enough to miss the bullets, one skidding across my cheek.
I hissed and slammed against the wall, holding the cut. Damn it. This is too much. I held my stomach in pain. It felt like there was a fire burning bigger and brighter.
"Problem?" Wilford laughs as he points his small gun towards my head.
I moved away in time, the small bullet going into the wall. I rolled on the ground before running into the kitchen. I panted as I find some more knifes. I toss them up, catching them with my fingers. Each knife between each finger. Thank god I know how to throw knifes.
I quietly go back over to Wilford. I turned the corner, ready to fight again. I jump out and shock struck me. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the ground. A pink mustache wiggling in my face.
"How cute. Wanna try again?" He whispers with a husky tone.
I struggle from his grasp, only making his tighten his hands on my wrists. I sigh and rolled my eyes. "I would get off if I were you, mister."
He chuckles. "Why is that?"
I laugh back. "I'm sure that you don't want 3 degree burns all over you."
He was too slow. Probably thought that I was joking or that he was too surprised. Before he could release me, I brust into flames.

Mark's POV

"So, she's really real?" I ask Dark as we watch the house.
"Yep. She can be very nice, but her temper is very short." He smiles and breaths in. "And her hair is unbelievable. Its red with a orange and yellow tip on the side. Her hair looks like a flame blowing in the wind."
I squint my eyes when I see a bright light. I gasp as I see a burst of flames in the apartment. I tried to run but Dark grabbed onto me. "I wouldn't do that." I stare at him like he's insane. Not like he already was. "She's going to be fine. Wilford doesn't stand a chance against a burning fire that doesn't stop burning."
I stared into his eyes before I nod. He lets go of my arm as I look back at the fire.
Please come out alive, (your name). I can't afford to lose you again....

Author's note~ First off, I would like to thank you all for reading my story. This has been very fun and instresting to create. Including all of my characters in the story. We made it past 100 views! To me that's just unbelievable. Thank you guys so much for reading. I love every second making this story and I hope that you enjoy it too. :) Anyways, I'm done rambling, so thank you once again for reading and the next chapter will come out soon! Oh and one last thing; if you've been reading my "Save Me" story, it's going to be a while before I create another chapter. I know, its hell :p But it's all good! See you later!!!! :D

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