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Your POV

Mark and Dark gave me some privacy as they went to the bathrooms to change. I looked outside as the sun finally came up, warming the city of LA.
I sighed and grabbed the bikini on the bed. At least it could fit me. I started to strip off my old, smelly clothes. I then slipped on the (fave color) bikini and looked in the large mirror. My bandages were wrapped around my side, leg, and my arms. I touched them, flinching a bit before I stopped. I looked back outside, seeing the two shirtless men. Their muscles exposed, causing my face to go a light red. This will be interesting to watch two men shirtless all day.

Mark's POV

I stretched out my tired muscles as we waited for (your name) to come out. It didn't take long before I saw a girl with a (fave color) bikini walking our way. She just looked... Breathless. He body was perfect and straight. Her bandages around her, making her look like a total badass.
She smiled and stood there, a foot away from me a Dark.
"Hi." Is all she says.
"Hello." Is all that I could say.
Dark smiled madly and gestured his hands to a chair. (Your name) wento over to the chair and sat down. "You look beautiful, my dear." He says as he kisses her hand.
She blushes. "Thank you, Dark."
The demon looks at me, his red eyes glowing as he smiles. I growl low and smiled at (your name). "Do you need anything?"
She looks around and rubs her neck. "I guess a glass of water would be nice."
I nod and walk over to the cooler, grabbing a bottle if cold water. I go back over to (your name), handing her the bottle. She smiles. God damn, her smile. "Thank you."
I smile back. "You welcome, my love."
I hear Dark growl behind me. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders, pulling me back. "Well come on, love bird. You wanted to swim, didn't you?"
I glare at Dark. "Yeah but i-" I got cut off when I felt us fall back into the cool water. I gasped and felt the water cover my face. I struggled and elbowed Dark in the ribs, releasing me.
I swam to the surface, gasping and growling. You son of a bitch.
"Wow. You two have a love-hate relationship." (Your name) chuckles.
I laughed back. "Yeah we do."
A splash came out behind me, followed by gasping and yelling. "Why in the hell did you elbow me right in the ribs?!"
I laugh and spun around. I grabbed the demon's cheeks, making him frustrated. "Because you were holding onto me. Rule number one is to not kill anyone right now." I saw in a baby voice.
Darkiplier growls like a dog and shoved me away from him. My back slams into the wall of the pool, only making me laugh more.
"You're so lucky that I can't kill you now." Dark glares at me.
I smile. "Oh really? You would kill me right now because you're jealous of me?"
"Why would I be jealous of you?" He snaps.
I jump out of the pool and walk behind (your name). I then proceeded to kiss her forehead. "Because I have her as my babe."
Dark's eyes burned with a red hot flame. "She can't have anyone, you dumbass!"
I tilt my head to the side. "And why not?"
"Because she's a murderer! She can kill you with a touch! God, how stupid are you humans?"
I looked back down at (your name). She was blushing madly as she looked away from us. I turn back to Dark, who's arms were crossed across his bare chest. "Oh what the hell." Dark looked up to me, but he was too slow. I jumped on top of him like a child.
"MARK!!!" He yells as the water coats his whole body. "You going to be the end of me!"

Its been a while as we swam around, fighting like cats. (Your name) would usually break up. She acted like a mother with two children. I had a lot of fun, until Dark decided to try to drown me again, causing me to punch him in the face. Hey its not my fault.
At the moment, my arms were on the side of the pool as I looked at (your name). She was reading a book. Which was strange to see since I've never seen a certain book with no text on the cover. Just a simple black boom. It was incredible how fast she read. She could win a contest of who can read the fastest if she joined.
After a couple more minutes, she placed the book on the small table, looking at me.
"Watching a girl read. How cute." Her voice ran smooth and clear.
I smile. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."
She smiled back. Her (eye color) sparkling in the sunlight.
"Ms. (Last name), you have some company." Dark's voice growled deeply.
I looked behind her, seeing a woman in tight clothing, walking quickly towards (your name).
I shook my head and got out of the pool. "Its the slut again."
She finally came to the side of the other girl, the sound of her heels stopping. Her face was red with anger as she pointed at (your name). "And who are you? These are my men! Not yours."
(Your name) got up, facing the slut with a smile. "These are never going to yours.'
The woman was shocked by this comment. "You shouldn't have any one of them! You're just an ugly little girl!"
(Your name)'s eyes flashed red as she grasped onto the slut's throat, making her gasp. "Wanna try again?" The woman shakes her head. "Good. Because I'm not in the mood right now."
She releases her, which made the woman stumble away. (Your name) glared back and walked over to the pool, breathing deeply and calmly.
I wanted to tell (your name) that its OK, but it wasn't. In a second, the woman ran towards the demon girl, and tackled her into the water.

Your POV

I felt the water go into my mouth and nose. I struggled until my muscles stopped working. My wounds started to bleed again, making the water around me red and orange. I screamed as my lungs filled up slowly. Blubbles all around me.
Soon, I felt the slut getting pull off of me, someone else grabbing me. I was pulled out of the cold water, dripping.
I heard muffles of yells and struggle. I looked at the man who saved me.
"Can you hear me?" Mark asks with fear in his eyes.
I slowly nodded and turned to my side. Clear liquid came out of my mouth as I coughed. My open wounds in pain and still bleeding.
"Get the fuck out of here, you slut!" Dark's voice rumbles in the air.
"Fuck you too!" The woman shrieks and walks away.
I stayed on my side, back towards the two men. "You OK?"
I sigh, which turned into a cough. "I don't know." I hissed as a shot of pain went through my leg. "Her hell stabbed into my bullet wound."
I fell someone's strong arms lift me up, carrying me bridal style. Mark's brown eyes stared back. "We should go inside before anyone else sees."

Author's note~ a lot of cussing in thus chapter, ah? Oh well, I just greatful that someone out there reads my stories. So thank you for that, who ever you are. Rather a complete stranger or if your a person who knows me in person. Anyways, I will make the next chapter soon and I will see you, in the next chapter. Bye bye!!! :3

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