Bloody Fight

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Mark's POV

She rose her arms as she skipped over to Wilford.
"Oh!!! It's been too long, Warfstache!" She spins around him.
Wilford stood there, grinning madly. "It has hasn't. How was the last proformance?"
The ring master stops and smiles, but not sweetly like (your name). "Splendid. But I think that the kitty cat went a little over board with one of my volunteers. Tch."
The pink man smiled in reply. "You and your lion, I swear."
Ring Master slapped his arm like a cat. "Oh shut up!" She looked at me in the eyes, which was a terrible mistake as she walked over to me. Her red and blue eyes reing back."Hmm... Is this the man who trapped you?" She pointed.
Wilford nods. "Yes it is."
She grins and cracks her knuckles, a loud crack coming out. "That wasn't very nice to do, now is it?"
My heart started to race as I see her hand flick to the side, something flickering in the lights. She swings at me, causing me to fall on my back quickly. I tried to get back up, but felt something cold and sharp touch my throat. She mouth comes near my eye as I felt a burning sensation. "I train and fight the most dangerous animals you've ever seen, young man. Don't try to fight." I gulp down, making the cold knife scrap my neck. "Now then, let's see what kind of scars I can give you!" I gasped as I feel something slice through my arm. I looked at my arm, seeing the knife in it. The ring master slowly and painfully started to drag it down my arm, making me scream in agony.
"Let him go!" I hear Dark yell.
The ring master got off of me in a flash and pinned Dark against the wall, the knife digging into his neck. I scrabbled away until I felt Glitch pick me up and placed me behind him. I watched painfully as I see Dark's black blood come off the knife and down his neck. His face was straight but you could tell that he was angry. Only making Ring Master laugh.
"Your so cute when you're mad, my boy~" she came closer to his face. "But I wouldn't make me pissed. I'm a true animal and I have the power to tear you apart."
Dark chuckled. "I don't think you understand." I a blink of an eye, he teleported behind her. "I'm a demon." He tried to grab the crazy girl, but she ducked and slached his back side. Dark grunted and swung his arm at her. She seemed flexible as she did a backflip and spun around the demon again, cutting the same wound. Dark held on to the bleeding cut and growled. You could see his red eyes burn with rage. The girl chuckled.
"Is that all you got, pretty demon?"
He stumbled but launched his body at her. The Master steeped out of the way and flipped her knife, a quick snap as she penetrated Dark's heart.
He cough up his deep black blood and fell to the floor, shaking madly.
The Ring Master flicked her knife in the air, drops of blood flying off. She had some black liquid on her cheek as she smiled. "Now then," she pointed her weapon at Glitch. "You wanna play with me?"
Glitch seem nervous but determine. "Of course I am. I have to protect Mark and the girl's soul. Even if that means with my life." He looks at me and smiled, glitching in the process.
The girl just laughed. "I like that." Her smile dissapered, showing a straight face. "Because kiss you life goodbye, Glitchy."
Glitch nodded and came behind the girl. He lifted his arm up, about the punch. But once it came down, the ring master steeped out of the way and sliced into the glitches out body. Pixelated red dots flew off of Glitch, but he kepted going. He flew his foot at her face, finally hitting her. But she seemed fine as she jumped on top of Glitchiplier. She lifted the knife up, aiming for his heart. Glitch grabbed her hands, preventing her to kill him. It was a true struggle as Glitch's arms shook, the knife coming closer.
In a flash, ring master lifted up again and took Glitch by surprise. She plunged the knife into his chest, his body glitching in and out. He looked ovor to me, blood coming out of his mouth. He tried to say something but the words couldn't come out as the sharp knife twisted and was pulle d out of his chest. His body glitches on last time before he dissapered into nothing. I sat there, frozen in fear. I was shocked by how much death was around me. And now I'm next.
The crazy lion girl got up, her back towards me. She was laughing like a hyena, then looked at me. Her red eye glowing with the blue one. Her scar running across her face seemed more visable than before. The knife that she was holding was covered in red and black blood. She looked like a true monster. Like what Dark looked like before he meet (your name). The girl laughed and sighed.
"And then there was one."

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