Resting For Now

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Mark's POV

I rushed out my car, grabbing the small brown bag of medication and another bag of snacks. I walking into the hotel, trying to get to my room as fast as possible.
"Good morning, Marky." A hear a woman whisper behind me, trying to sound sexy.
I rolled my eyes and turned around. Her hair was blonde, worn down. Her lips were a cherry red with too much makeup on. Her clothes were extremely tight, exposing her ass and boobs. "Hello."
She came up to me, staring at the bags in my hands. "My my. You sure are busy."
I sigh heavily with exhaustion. "I always am."
She places her hand on my chest. "Maybe I should help you with that."
I grabbed her hand and chuckled, taking her hand off of me. "Please ma'am. I have a girlfriend already." I turned back around and went to my room.
I opened the room, quietly opening the heavy door. I smiled deeply as I see (your name) sleeping soundly. But something else was sleeping with her. He wasn't extremely close to her, but close enough.
Dark's hair fell on his face as his chest went up and down.
Why is he sleeping with her though? Dark grunted and opened his eyes, showing his bright red eyes. His eyes moved over to me.
He propped his body up with his elbow, the other hand going through his messy hair.
"You're back." His voice was deeper.
I nod, placing down the food bag and going over to (your name)'s side of the bed with the medicine. "I got stuck with that slut."
Dark looks at me. "What was her name? Brittany or something."
"She wanted me to call her Bunny. What kind if nickname is that?"
The demon chuckles. "Kitty or Cat was mine. Pretty pathic to me."
I nod, taking out the medication and placing them on the nightstand next to her. "Did she wake up when I was gone?"
Dark nods. "Yeah. She wanted me to join her in bed for some reason. Told me that she would feel safer."
I stared at the sleeping girl. She looked extremely comfortable and safe. Half of a smile on her face. I inhald and exhaled before I lightly tapped (your name)'s shoulder. "Wake up, sweet heart." Her eyes blink open, looking up at me.
She gets up and rubs the sleep out of her tired (eye color) eyes. "Morning already?" Her hair sticking up as she stretched.
I chuckled. "It actually around 3 but sure why not."
"OK. Close enough." She looks over to her side where Dark was. Her head snapped back to me as her face goes red. "Oh crap! I totally forgot that you were here!" She covered her face. "I'm so sorry. I made you jealous didn't I?"
I smiled and grabbed her hands, taking them off her face. "No. I could never be jealous at you. It's alright and I understand."
She stares at me, her eyes looking all around me. After a while, she nods OK. "Good. And sorry Dark."
Darkiplier shrugs. "I needed a nap anyways."
I looked back at (you name)'s right wrist, seeing the faded letter D imprinted in her flesh. I can't believe that was such a short time ago. So much had been going crazy and flying by too fast.
"What are we doing today?" She asks softly.
I sighed and looked outside, smiling. "Well, there is a pool outside. Maybe we could swim."
"But (your name) isn't fully healed." Dark says.
I put a finger up. "She can chill outside though. Come on, we can't stay inside hiding the whole time. Let's have some fun!"
(Your name) throws her arms up, giggling and grinning. "I say yes!"
Dark rolls his eyes. "Fine. But if Wilford finds us, I'm killing you myself."

Author's note~ Hello! I just wanted to say thanks for reading this short chapter. I swear that the next will be longer (maybe up to 1000 words). But hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye bye!!!! :D

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