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I woke up jumping, making me fall out of the bed. I stared at my room with wide eyes. As soon as I saw there was no one in the room, I exhaled and ran my shaking fingers threw my sweaty hair. I hate having nightmares. Especially when it repeats it each night. I always have this dream where I wake up in a dark room. I'm always tied to a chair. I struggle for a bit until I hear a laugh echo through my mind. A blinding light points towards me. I narrow my eyes but still couldn't see.

"Welcome to Raspy Hill, (your name)." I hear a dark voice whisper into my ear. Suddenly, I blink and see that I'm onto of a hill. It's dark, which make a cold shiver run down my spine. I start to walk around, trying to find someone.

That's when I hear a faint laughter behind me. I glanced behind me, seeing a crowd of white dolls chasing me. I break into a sprint, making my legs ache. I find a light up ahead, making me run towards it. Once I get to it, the laughter stops. I see a figure in front of me, black steam coming off him. I see two red dots glow, indicating that his eyes weren't human. He smiles, showing his white sharp teeth.

"Lets play a game." He says. A scream breaks the silence, making me jump. I see a man tied down in a chair, he's bloody and beaten. My eyes widen when I realized who it was.

"Mark..." I whisper.

Mark slowly looks up, a black hole where his left eye should be is no longer there. He struggles his restraints, only making it worse for him.

Dark chuckles and gets behind Mark, his hands on his shoulders. "These are the rules: first, you can't run. Believe me, it only gets worse. Two, you are going to stay there a watch." He puts his head on top of Mark's. "Now then, lets play."

Mark yelps in pain as I see smoke coming off of his shoulders where Dark placed his hands. I froze in fear as I see the smoke getting larger, Mark's shirt burning. I clench my hands into a fist. "Stop it." I say softly at first. Dark ignores with an evil grin. I glare daggers at him. "Stop hurting him!" I say with aggressively. Dark lifts his hands up. Mark slumps down, his shoulders red and black. I walked towards him, but Darkiplier grabs my neck and shoves me away. I grunt as I fell on my back. I get back up and tried again. Dark snaps at me. I felt something cold wrap around my ankle. I looked down, seeing a chain around my ankle. I looked back at Dark, his red eyes showed annoyance.

"You never understand the games." He goes back to Mark. "For that you'll be punished." I see something sharp in his hands. A knife. I tried to stop him, but the chain tugged me back.

"No! Please don't!" I scream, tears coming down my eyes.

Dark stabs Mark in the chest, making his head lift up. His brown eyes widened and he shook. I looked at me, his eyes slowly losing color.

He faintly smiles. "Wake up, (your name)."

I blink as I stopped the haunting dream. I rub my eyes and got up. My legs were sore and my eyes burned. I looked down at my wrist, seeing the black 'D' in my skin. I sighed and walked out the small bedroom.

I bumped into someone, making me freeze. "Oh, sorry." I hear Mark's voice chuckle.

I looked up, seeing Mark smile wide. I felt butterflies in my stomach. "It's fine. I should've played attention."

Mark stared at my eyes. "Did you sleep ok?" His smile faded. "You don't look ok to me."

I gulp down my tears. "I... no. I didn't."

Mark nods and hugs me. "It's ok now."

I hug him back. After a while, he grabbed me lightly and made me follow him down to the kitchen. He gave me a plate, a waffle on the plate. I took it and sat down at the table. I ate a piece, making me melt inside. It was so delicious. I ate faster until I was down. I gave Mark the empty dish, he chuckled as he washed it.

"You still wanna come to the store with me today?" He asks as he finished and turned towards me.

I blink few times. "Will Dark like that?" I ask quietly.

Mark nods and smiled. "You need clothes. I think he'll understand."

I smiled back. "Ok. Where's my old clothes?"

Mark goes into another room and hands me my clothes. I thanked him and went upstairs I to my room. I took off my sweaty cold pajamas and put on my clean clothes. They smelled like rain and forest trees. I smiled and walk back out. I was suddenly stopped by a hand. I looked up to see Darkiplier. He glared back at me.

"And where do you think you're going, missy?" His voice growled.

I sighed and stared back at him. "Mark's taking me clothes shopping. Any more questions?" My attitude rose up.

He hissed and grabbed my wrist, making them burn. I yelp and tried to pull away but he yank my body closer. "Don't you dare talk back to you're master!" He glared into my eyes.

I glared back and felt my wrath bubble up into my chest. "I don't care what you say! I going with rather you like it or not, you monster!" I barked in his face.

His anger dissolved in a frown. He slowly started to let go of my wrist. He lowered his head. I stomped away. "You're right." I hear him say. I turned back to him, his back towards me. "I'm just a monster after all. A killer that loves to torture and takes innocent women." He turned to me, his eyes dark. "But I won't hesitate to kill you. So get out of here before I do."

I stare at him for a while before I walked down the stairs and went to Mark who was leaning against the door. He grinned and opened the door. I felt eyes on me when Mark closer the door behind him.

Author's Note~ Oh snap. Dark is pissed. Oh well. Next chapter will be a bit nicer and sweeter. Thank for reading and i will see you in the next chapter! See ya! :)

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