Burning Man

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Mark's POV

Just don't look at him, Mark. He's dead finally. No need to make sure.
Night came up to me and placed her hand on my stab wound.
"Don't move." A dark red smoke wrapped around my shoulder. Suddenly, it felt like it was nevered injured. The smoke dissapered, my shoulder healed completely. "Its just a little trick that us demon learn at a very young age."
"Thank you." Is all I could say.
She smiled, less creepier than usual. "No problem. Now then, let's get the girl."
We follow her over to another door in the corner. She grabbed the handle and swung it open without any hesitation.
That's when we finally saw her. (Your name) was tied down in a chair, beaten and bloody. And Santa was right behind her, rope around (your name)'s neck. She gasped and struggled as the fat man pulled harder.
"I wouldn't come any closer." His voice was deep, but you could still hear the insanity in his voice.
Night sighed deeply, taking a step closer. "Look, give us the girl and you can live."
A loud snap came from the dark girl. She was thrown against a wall hard. I look closer to see something black wrapped around her ankle. She was lifted above the floor, hanging like a bat.
"I told you now to come closer to me."
"Let her go, Santa!" Dark demands.
The big man yanks the rope on (your name), causing her to yelp. "I don't think so, buddy! Their mine. And I know what this demon can do." He comes closer to (your name), licking her cheek.
I clenched my fists. I felt my jaw getting tighter. "Don't you dare touch her!"
He laughs, placing his chin on her head. "Why not? You're completely powerless against me. So I can do what ever I want to her and this other sexy lady."
Night growls. "I'll gut you like a fish!"
She's thrown onto the floor and lifted back up. Droplets of black blood starts to fall on the floor. "I don't think so, young girl." Santa turns back to me and Dark. "So, how shall I kill this girl as painful as possible? Oh I know how. I could choke her to death as you watch. Or do I just want to rip out her throat?"
Dark's eyes starts to glow into a dark red. "Oh we could do this; you and I fight to the death. Who ever wins gets (your name)."
The fat man lifts his head up. "To the death, ah? Why that does sound splendid-" (your name)'s face turns redder a tomato. "But I wouldn't let this one get out of my grasp."
(Your name) whimpers as her face turns purple and red. Her head started to go back with the rope as she gasped for breath.
I squezzed my eyes shut, pleading that this wasn't real. "M... Mark..." I hear a soft, gasping voice. I looked back to (your name). Her (eye color) was getting cloudy as she looked at me. "Don't.... Don't give up...."
I looked over to Darkiplier. He was staring back as he nodded. I knew what to do soon after. We would slit in different direction and attack.
That's when I started to sprint off to the left of Santa. He just simply laughed. I start to hear something fly towards me. I in the dark to see the black ropes coming at me. I dodged the first couple and came close enough to the fat man that I could fight.
I jumped up and slammed my fist into his jaw. He let's go of the rope holding (your name). She gasps and coughs as her head fall down.
"Dark! Get Night down and get (your name) untied!" He nods and starts to untie (your name).
I smiled and breathed heavy breaths. So much happened today. I don't even think I was breathing. I suddenly feel something wrap around my ankles, lifting my up in the air.
"That was a huge mistake you made, Mark."

Your pov

"Are you OK?" Dark asks.
I nod and hear Mark gasp behind me. I look over and jumped up. He was up in the air. His limps tied with a black rope. Santa seemed to control these things as his hand was pointed at Mark.
"I told you that it was the end; but you didn't believe me." Another black rope came around Mark's neck, chocking him.
His face was already red, now turning purple. I closed my eyes and blanked out for a second before I felt warmer.
I opened my eyes, a flame catching fire on my hands. I started to walk over to Santa. He finally saw me and chuckled. He lifted his other hand towards me, black rope coming at me. I lifted my hands, making the rope catch flame and disintegrating before they got to me. When they all dissapered, I kept going to Santa. Now his eyes were widened, trying to say something.
Before he could surrender, I grabbed his red coat. "You should never fight a demon like me." My hands burn on the fat man, making his clothes and skin crisp and burn. He stared at me with fear as be screamed. I released him and snapped my fingers. A spark fluttered in the dim room, then turning it into a nicely light one. Santa's screams could've split your head in half if you were a normal human. I got up to Mark, burning the rope off of him. He falls down from the air, Dark catching him before he slammed into the hard floor.
Night smirked at me. "Using Falme's powers? Cheater."
I chuckle. "Hey, we made a bet."
My darker side nods. "She's one for those."
I look over to Mark. He rubs his wrists and takes off his glasses. "Where's Warfstache and Google."
"Dead. Both of them." Dark says instantly. He point to the burning body behind us. "Including him now."
I rub the back of my neck. "Wilford's finally dead, huh?" I smile. "Good. Now we can live in peace. Hopefully."

Author's note~ Or is he?????? Is he really dead? Sadly, I would have to say that Wilford's throat was cut pretty deep so.... Yes. He is... Anyways! Thanks for reading and the next chapter will rather come out later tonight or tomorrow morning hopefully. I really hope that this ends good and that you guys won't kill me if it isn't. Hahahaha..... Please don't do that... Bye bye!!!! :)

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