I'm Not Human

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Dark's Pov

I opened the door with my left hand, the other holding my knife. I have to do this. Or else hell will literally come. I looked at (your name), sleeping in the bed, face towards me. I gulp and lift up my weapon, walking up to her quietly.

"Sorry for not warning you." I saw as I lift the knife, aiming it to her chest. In a flash, I was shoved backwards, hitting the wall with my back. I grunted and looked ahead, seeing (your name) standing up. Her eyes were glowing red and her teeth shined white.

She giggled and staggered side to side. "Ah.. so, you wanna kill me?" She laughed madly. "How about we have some fun?"

I chuckle and stood up. "Oh my pleasure, missy." I glared at her as my smile rose.

She chuckled and flicked her wrist, showing a jagged dagger in her right hand. "Lets get started then."

(Your name) flew at me. I jumped to the other side, making her dagger stab into the wall. She swung her weapon towards my head. I ducked and swung back, cutting her leg. She giggled and stabbed my hand. I grunted and flew back, holding my hand. (Your name) touched her injury, her dark red blood on her index finger. She licked her finger and smiled.

"Now then," she tossed her dagger up and caught it, holding it up so it covered one of her eyes. "come at me, pretty boy."

I growled and snapped my fingers. Black smoke replaced me as I teleported behind me. But she knew what was going on. She spun around and sliced my chest. I grunted in pain. She smiled and sliced again, this time on my back. I leaned down, making her spread my body. She kept teleporting, making it harder for me to concentrate.

After a couple more cuts, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I gasped and opened my eyes, seeing (your name) stabbing into my chest. She grinned with pleasure and took out the sharp object. I fell down with a thud, coughing up blood.

I heard (your name) snicker. "Oh too bad. I really liked that game." She kicked my injured side, causing me to gasped harder. She knelled down by my head. I looked up with one eye. She smiled and chuckled. "How cute. Still wanna play, don't ya?" She placed the dagger up to my throat. I grunted. "You already lost, babe."

Suddenly, her smile faded just into a frown. Her red eyes turned into her (e/c) eyes. She fell to her side, unconscious. I looked up to see Mark panting heavily, a bat in his hands.

He dropped the bat and stared back at me. "What are you doing, you fool?!" His anger rose up into his eyes. "Don't ever do that agian!"

I sat up holding my chest. "I don't know what you're talking about." Black smoke rose from my wound, closing it shut.

"Bull shit! You were trying to get her soul!" His hand clenched into fists.

I raised up my hands. "Because I had to. And you know that too."

Mark shook his head. "She can rather save or destroy. We can teach her to save and you know that for a fact."

I sighed and got up. I glared into his eyes. "But I'm evil. I'm suppose to teach her how to destroy, not save." I walked out of the room, feeling Mark glaring back.

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